Premium Member calls and/or webinars are usually on Tuesday at 4 pm Pacific time. These events occur twice monthly (or as announced). Recording and replays of the calls are all available to Premium Members in their private member content area.
Watch your email for event time changes the morning of the event. If you do not receive the call notice by 1 pm Pacific time, and you are a Premium Member, email with your user ID. Call details will be emailed prior to the call.
If you have an active membership with this site, watch your email for times and details.
To attend one of our free live calls or webinars simply join as a free member (above). If you don't have a membership user ID and password, get one now HERE
NEW Premium Membership Level is Open for Enrollment DETAILS HERE
- Are you displeased with all the non-working nonsense in the redemption “sovereign-citizen” movement?
- Do you want to use the Rule of Law instead?
- Do you want a practical approach to being free?
- If you can't stand up in court even the best paperwork on the planet is useless.
- Are you dealing with the government, court (civil or criminal), mortgages, debt, taxes, lawsuits or other issues?
- Do you want the next generation to be free as well? How about YOUR freedom?
- Are you concerned and willing to stand and fight for it?
- Do you want a simple way to eliminate debt and create wealth instead?
If you have a question regarding your member login or subscription, submit a support ticket. Please, do not use a ticket or the email to ask questions concerning class content or legal issues.
We are still accepting enrollments even though the class has already begun. Once enrolled, be sure to go to the correct member page for instructions to gain access to all the downloadable material. This class is 100% downloadable with live Q&A calls.
Essential training for those studying the law and legal process.
How to Win In Court Without an Attorney DETAILS HERE
To effectively recover your freedom requires 4 key things…Knowledge, Competence, Experience, and the Right Mindset.
Do you know who you are?
- Be on the upcoming call to learn the details of our program and how to succeed.
- Learn the real working strategies to get on the “private” side of issues where you can be free.
- Then learn how to maintain your freedom on the private side which is where your rights are waiting for you to show up.
These are some of the key tools and elements addressed in our Premium Member content
1. Postal usage, driver's license, driving, passports, taxes, mortgage and student loans all have one thing in common. You must respond to these offers or suffer the consequences. Even the wrong use of the postal system could cost you your freedom!
2. Cestui que vie – and how it affects everything that is going on in court today. It's all about trusts and bonds. Without this knowledge is it not possible to understand what is really going on. Things are not what they appear to be.
3. Handling “offers” (verbally and in writing) by agents. Your public servant/agents cannot technically “order” you to do anything. They make offers you are currently untrained to handle. You have been conditioned all your life to unthinkingly volunteer or accept these commercial offers. Learn how to “Conditionally Accept” these offers and turn the tables on these public servants. If you handle this properly you should win every time.
4. What about “Criminal” matters ? (Exclusive of when there is a real harmed party).
Mastery of this information will allow you to handle agent offers and avoid any controversy presented. It is essential that you understand that “crimes” are in fact “commercial matters”. You must address these issues properly to be perceived as a person who understands what is really happening. A bond is created and needs to be paid, but how is this done? When the bond is settled the matter is over. This is the only thing that matters.
5. Handling civil matters (on the private side): If you know what money is or is not you can resolve matters with the stroke of a pen and proper follow through. This is always about a debt and payment. These matters (civil or criminal) can also be addressed as jurisdictional. A lack of jurisdiction can VOID anything they did, past or present, if you know how to recognize and address jurisdictional issues.
6. Learning how to access the private side of the court where all your remedies and rights are actually protected.
The movement has everything backwards. Most think “If I file some ‘magic’ paperwork I will suddenly be transported to the promised land.” This just shows a complete lack of understanding. Freedom comes with a price and that price is you developing your competence on core issues and the knowledge to go with it. There is nothing wrong with coming in peace, but if you come in war, good luck! Get back on the right side of the line and win instead.
I have heard it said, “There are a lot of broke people with master's and PhD's.” The same principle applies here. It’s not enough to know this material. You have to be able to demonstrate your competence by your actions.
That is what I teach and there is no one else in the movement doing so – Period!
This course will be very detailed, interactive, ongoing and might take 6-9 months to re-set your mind. These weekly free calls cover the basics. The Premium Membership will take you into the remedies. The webinars will involve tools, documents, practice and homework.
Making such a realistic change in your life will not happen overnight, but it can happen. It takes time to replace a lifetime of misinformation and mind control. We work to overcome those obstacles.
DISCLAIMER NOTICE: Nunc Pro Tunc to January 1, 2012: All Rights Reserved. or any agent thereof does not give legal advice. The information contained herein is for educational and entertainment purposes only. If you need legal or tax advice you should seek the advice of an expert. All communications with an agent of Trinity Freedom Ministries are considered private and confidential. If you do not agree to these terms, then you must exit the website and not utilize any materials located therein. If you accept those terms, you may contact us privately for questions or information via email. Your use of the site is your agreement to these terms and conditions. No monitoring by any third-party is allowed. A violation of these privacy terms subjects the violator to a $100,000 fine per incident, payable in silver coin.
PRIVATE MEMBER WEBSITE GOVERNMENT AGENT NOTICE – We welcome all truth seekers, and we only teach in peace in service to our fellow man, according to instruction from our God and master. However, any government officials or paid informants are prohibited from using this page. If you are acting in that capacity, please be advised this is a private membership site and your presence or use of any information contained on this site constitutes a trespass and subjects you personally to a $100,000 fine, payable in silver coin. The right to freedom of speech and expression are not waived. You are so noticed of this contract and agree to it. Any material obtained from this site and used to harass or prosecute any party subjects you to this private contract.
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CAPITE MINUTUS. In civil law. One who has suffered capitis diminutio, one who lost status or legal attributes.
CAPITUS DIMINUTIO. In Roman law. A diminishing or abridgement of personality; a loss or curtailment of a man’s status or aggregate of legal attributes and qualifications.
CAPITUS DIMINUTIO MAXIMA. The highest or most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man’s condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights.
CAPITUS DIMINUTIO MEDIA. A lesser or medium loss of status.
This occurred when a man lost his rights of citizenship, but without
losing his liberty. It carried away also his family rights.
CAPITUS DIMINUTIO MINIMA. The lowest or least comprehensive
degree of loss of status. This occurred where a man’s family relations alone
were changed.
It happened upon the arrogation of a person who had been his own master,
(sui juris,) or upon the emancipation of one who had been under
patria potestas. It left the rights of liberty and citizenship unaltered.
ARROGATION; In civil law. The adoption of a person who was of
full age or sui juris.
SUI JURIS. Of his own right; possessing full social and civil rights;
not under any legal disability, or the power of another, or guardianship.
Having the capacity to manage one’s own affairs; not under legal disability
to act for one’s self.
PATRIA POTESTAS; In Roman Law. Paternal authority; the paternal power. This term denotes the aggregate of those peculiar powers and rights which, by the civil law of Rome, belonged to the head of the family in respect to his wife, children, (natural or adopted,) and any more remote descendents who sprang from him through males only. Anciently, it was of very extensive reach, embracing even the power of life and death, but was gradually curtailed, until finally it amounted to little more than a right in the paterfamilias to hold as his own any property or acquisitions of one under his power.
PATERFAMILIAS; The father of the family. In Roman law.
The head or master of a family. This word is sometimes employed,
in a wide sense, as equivalent to sui juris.
A person sui juris is call “pater familias” even though under the age of puberty.
One should note that in Black’s Law Dictionary Seventh Edition
there is only one word of the former words relating to
CAPITIS DIMINIUTO, however is should be noted that the spelling of
the word has been changed but the meaning is just as formidable.
The following is from the seventh edition of Black’s Law Dictionary. Capitis deminutio { Latin”reduction of status”} Roman law. A diminution of a person’s legal status. —- Also spelled capitis diminution. PL. capitis deminuitiones. “Capitus deminutio is the destruction of the “caput” or legal personality.
Capitus deminutio, so to speak, wipes out the former individual and puts a new one in his place, and between the old and the new individual there is legally speaking nothing in common.
A juristic personality may thus be destroyed in one of three ways; (1) by loss of status libertatis. This is the capitis deminutio maxima;
(2) by loss of status civitatis. This is the capitis deminutio media (magna); (3) by severance from that aquatic family. This entails capitis deminutio minima.
caput; { Latin “head”} A head, a chief, or principal person. A person’s condition or status.
“A ‘natural’ as opposed to an ‘artificial,’ person is such a human being as is regarded by law as capable of rights or duties in the language of Roman law as having a ‘status.’……Besides possessing this general legal capacity, or status, a man may also posses various special capacities, such as the ‘tria capita’ of liberty, citizenship, and family rights. A slave having as such, neither rights nor liabilities, had in Roman law, strictly speaking, no ‘status,’ ‘caput,’ or persona.’ …..