
EVERYONE has “Legal Issue” at some point.

We are drowning in statutes, codes, and contracts…Including Bank Debt, Civil issues, or Criminal Matters!

You already have the remedy because YOU Are Law!



The remedy is you! It is commonly advised to hire an expensive “good lawyer” from the private, for-profit legal industry, where lawyers are “officers of the court” with primary loyalty to the court. However, with some basic training, you can perform many legal tasks yourself and avoid this conflict of interest.

At some point in your life, you may encounter a legal issue if you do any one of these things:

  • Too much debt
  • You have a birth certificate 
  • Visit the doctor or go to the hospital (contracts) 
  • Buy insurance
  • Receive a paycheck 
  • File and use tax forms
  • Use any “license” such things as driving, marriage, business, etc
  • Drive down a public road
  • Travel on public transportation
  • Get a job
  • Open a business
  • Check into a hotel
  • Go into any a store
  • Get married or divorced or have kids
  • Use the internet, computers, software, and phone apps
  • Talk to other people about anything
  • Rent or buy housing
  • Speak, practice a religion, or bear arms….and more.
What do our members say…the bottom line!

  • Freedom IS REAL!! …I am just beginning, I tested it out on a traffic citation (I chose to allow the stop, fast car, another time), the “prosecutor” told me I was “shooting myself in the foot” after seeing my motion to dismiss with reservation of rights I had filed, then dismissed all charges, ZERO $$!!  One down, many more to go. –  Terry H.
  • I am so impressed with all this your ministry has done for “man” …God gets the Glory-K.
  • THANK YOU, TJ – Been studying this stuff for about 12 years. I feel that I've learned the most on the last 2 year's by listening to your recorded calls again and again…AND reading the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Federal Rules of Evidence, State Rules of Civil Procedure, State Rules of Evidence, Local Rules of Civil Procedure, Local Rules of Evidence… REPETITION IS KEY – Each time I read any of the above documents, I discover something new that corroborates with lessons from YAL or the BIBLE. – Private
  • You helped me beat a speeding ticket thank you. Judge left the courtroom without hearing the case. Didn’t want to touch it! Lack of jurisdiction baby. KP
  • Thank YOU for your articles while they have rocked my foundations everything makes sense now, where it didn’t before – James M.
  • Love you guys at You Are Law! Been a member with you since 5/18 – Terril from North Dakota
  • This happened today.  I got hit with this lawsuit…but with what I learned as a PREMIUM MEMBER, the CASE was DISMISSED!! Just yesterday I filled my SUBROGATION, Dismissal motion, and FOIA for the judges Oath of Office. The judge told me to my face it would be delayed days end. Later that afternoon, I was placed in a COURTROOM by myself. The big County Judge came in. I ran through my script. He then called for the plaintiff attorney, who was there talking to judge. He never entered the courtroom. The next thing I hear is “cased dismissed”. They are scared… We need to share all we can. ..Doc 




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10 years ago

Aloha TJ,
I would like to pass on some knowledge about the language being used by the attorneys and courts to create their document-claims. In addition to your awareness of the word-term-meanings as used in the dictionary they are using: Consider the following:
SYLLABLES: Words can be broken up into syllables with each syllable having its own word-term-meaning.
PREFIXES such as re, in, de, un etc…turn positive word terms into negative conditions of state that cannot be performed ie: the word term INSURANCE= in=no sure ance. In surance company’s provide you with NO SURANCE. RESPOND= re=no spond=speak=NO SPEAK and on and on.
PAST AND FUTURE TENSE IE: to /shall / suffix ed etc. are used to create future and past tense for the root word. A contract of performance cannot be occur in the past and a performance for the future is VOID as there are too many variables for future events. How can we create future contract-terms for events that have not yet occured and expect to hold the parties to those terms. Of course these future contracts are written by attorneys.
WORD-TERM-MEANINGS: Whatever dictionary u are using reveals there are several meanings for a single word, including word-term-meanings for individual-syllables. If a dictionary is not provided with a document giving the particular word-term-meaning the author is using in his document, the word-term-meaning is left to the subjective interpretation of the author and reader(s) which most always results in a miscommunications that neither author nor reader are aware of.
INTERNATIONAL-SYLES-MANUAL/ITALICS: are the rules that tells us how symbols are used in the syntax ie: -( ), . [ ] etc. NOTE: take notice in legalize brackets are often used to separate a letter or group of letters in a word. Why do they do this? Per the grammar rules and international styles manual anything in a bracket is omitted from the page and cannot be considered as is anything written in italics as they are considered ART ie: ART IS IN A FRAME [ ]; this is why they use italics in their case law…case law is opinion…and has nothing to do with the case.

PARSE=PARTS OF SPEECH ie: adverbs, verbs, nouns (no=no, un=no noun=no no) adjectives etc. are used according to universally accepted rules of grammar that are used to create SENTENCE-STRUCTURE called syntax. If we use their internationally accepted grammar rules their documents say nothing at all….it is complete BABBLE. I suspect this is related to the BIBLICAL TOWER OF BABBLE STORYLINE. ACCORDING TO THE RULES OF SYNTAX (THEIR RULES) The following sentence is broken down into its parse disclosing that the sentence says nothing ….. babbling:
The plaintiff is entitled to damages as a result of the defendants actions per [HRS 711 chapter 24].
TRANSLATION: The= The is used as an adverb which modifies the word plaintiff which is in the verb position according to the rules of syntax. The word is is used as an adverb which modifies the verb entitled (en=no titled in past-time). The word to is used as an adverb modifying the adjective damages making the word as a (pro)noun . The word a is used as an adverb modifying the word result (re=no sult) which is in an adjective position making the word of a (pro)noun. The word the is an adverb modifying the adjective defendant (de=no fend ant=contract) which modifies the adjective actions (act=no ion=contract) which modifies the word per which is in a (pro)noun-position) as the last word in the sentence because HRS 711 chapter 24 is in brackets and omitted from the page.
WORDS BEGINNING WITH A VOWEL FOLLOWED BY TWO CONSONANTS: As a general rule…..the synonym for words beginning with a vowel followed by two consonants in the dictionary = NO CONTRACT as the word term meaning.
HYPHENS= Hyphens are used to connect word-terms to create a single meaning…without the use of hyphens to indicate a phrase is a single word term meaning, the word terms are subject to their individual positions within the sentence structure.
With Much Aloha,
Cheryl: cmarshall1000@yahoo.com

10 years ago

Do you have a suggested start base for dealing with the district ( lower courts? I.E traffic to summons to appear or arrest and first appearance. Words to use and challenges to make.

10 years ago

I am being denied a Certificate of Occupancy for a property I renovated due to a pre-existing sewer line. The structure was already built when I bought it and the county issued building permits to me to renovate it as well as passed inspections all along. After spending over 100k, at the very end, the County is denying the Certificate of Occupancy. Attorneys are telling me it is a very risky case and want 5k just to look at it. Not covered by Title Insurance or Builders Risk Insurance… any advice?

Dan Ecklund, MD
9 years ago

Hi, TJ
I thought that it might be useful if you might comment on this case in DC. He seems to be doing a lot of what you are teaching, but he is not having success. In particular, he is demanding change of venue to an Article III court, proving that he is not a Citizen, etc.
It makes me concerned that if I use your methods that the judge would ignore what I say as well.

Here are some interviews with Rod Class: http://adventuresintosovereignty.org/breaking-news-rod-class/
Dan Ecklund, MD

9 years ago

Hello Folks,
is anyone aware of how to rid myself of a “assignments of rents” lien against my property. A surety has a judgment/lien against my property due to an iron clad “surety” contract i signed as a former bail agent & bail skip. We made an “tender of payment” in the full amount using UCC 3-603, they declined and now were stuck! Does anyone know the next procedure?

9 years ago

yes, the contract is real & valid and am not denying that but also stipulated was that the surety is "equally" responsible and therefore 50% responsible although they have a judgement for the full amount ($100k, should be $50k). It was my understanding that UCC 3-603 is a alternative way to satify the judgement in whole? It is also my understaanding that if the surety took the "instrument" to their banking "treasurer" they would have understood the process (UCC 3-603) and processed the instrument as money deposited from my SS acct. into the plaintiffs acct.?

9 years ago

Every time I visit websites talking about things like this, it seems very empowering, but also entirely useless for most of us.

For example: Just a few weeks back my neighbor was visited by a law enforcement officer (It appears to have been a police officer at the prompting of a Code enforcement officer) and given a written order to pay a fine, and appear in court over a matter of a County Ordinance Violation which was that my neighbor had no house numbers on the house.  
    (There are now numbers on the house, courtesy of yours truly)
Now we ALL know that the 'house numbers' in question are actually the postal code. Numbers assigned by the United States Postal Service, who require these numbers be posted on the mailbox for purposes of mail collection and delivery. (The mailbox is considered property of the United States Postal Service) The United States Postal Service does not require the numbers on the house which is your own personal property.
So why was a citation issued? Well, apparently This was a violation of a County (municiple) code which was implimented by County commissioners. (More public servants)

   All the advice one gets from websites like this one would seem to encourage you not to play the municipalities game. Don't agree to Their contracts. Don't submit to their presumed authority. When you go into these so called 'courts' you automatically contract with them, then they run the court room. Go on the offence instead.
    That all sounds empowering, except that most of us, like my neighbor will never have such an oppertunity.   The only venue to even PRESENT these arguments would be in the court, but once you show up in the capacity of a 'defendant' you have submitted to their rules, and will be subject to their game. If you instead ignore the court date, you are certain to be hit with a 'failure to appear' which can lead to an arrest warrent, and further escalation.
    So while I can agree (itellectually) with the premise and most of what is said here, I see NO realistic way of implimenting any of it.

     PLEASE prove me wrong and explain how YOU would go about protecting yourself in that very real and very basic scenario.
      Most of us will never have the time or resources to engage in countless lawsuits against every involved individual who may attempt to screw with your life and money in simular ways.  It may even be true that people who are lawsuit happy tend to get messed with less, because NO ONE enjoys constant litigation, but few honest people are seeking to profit by suing everything that moves, and THAT seems to be the only real strategy I see being suggested that anyone (in theory) may have the oppertunity to impliment.

9 years ago

Hello TJ,

I have read and reviewed your website and then went to your talkshoe and found that out of 32 calls only 17 are in the archive.The 15 most current dates on page 1 are missing the audio links. Please research this and advise as to a solution.

I advocate that everything boils down to a defensible Status and Standing as Beneficiary, Jurisdiction, Trusts, Contracts, Titles and Bonds. It appears you are homing in on the master key, (abandoned vessel) which should unlock all others. (debt settlement) I am paying close attention to what your team is doing. I have sent your site link to many people and encourage those who are reading this post to do the same.

Standing by with an open mind.


Phillip Brooks
Phillip Brooks
9 years ago

Question: If I file a UCC1 and take charge of my Certificate of Birth legally will I still be able to continue getting my

social security that I presently receive?

kenneth paul
9 years ago

didnt you pay into the system with your energy converted to fiat money? how could the moraly and lawfully keep that which is not theirs?


David Henderson
David Henderson
9 years ago

I’ve been locked up for 3 years and have just got out with another 6 month on supervised release. It was a victimless crime. Who would I make a claim against? How can I get a void judgment?

9 years ago

My husband is suing me in court for legal separation. No problem there but I have four live property I need to protect. The court has ordered a guardian ad litem, ordered that their go to public school, ordered that they go to father…….and on and on. I am filing a suit in the Federal Appellate court for equitable estoppel and filing criminal complaints on the officials who are doing this as I was never lawfully served papers. I presented my rescission of signatures on contracts, my affidavit of status and trust on my property and they are not paying attention. In regards to the notices continuing to come to the box at my home, do I reject without opening? send back with explanation, open and use in a Federal complaint as mail fraud?

9 years ago

I need help for a claim for my daughter with dhs and wont to put a claim in for her children as property ther wose no crime commited and no damage done just need to now how to put it in the correct language structure of the send text grammar

8 years ago

I have to go to criminal court because of being pulled over in 2013 & my insurance had lapsed & i was unaware at the time. They put it on my record as a misdemeanor & that has cost me decent jobs passing me over because of it. I had been sick for over a year & unemployed, unable to maintain auto insurance, i got pulled over driving, not for a traffic violation but because they ran the plates on the car i was driving. I explained i was using someones car to go to the doctors, i didn’t have another way. I just became employed again & the judge is forcing me to have my suspension paid, ticket paid, have insurance & my license back by November 18th & im not even driving now, i car pool to work but she is saying i need a public offender because of my suspension. I wasnt able to keep up auto insurance, if im barely, trying to pay rent & my other necessities, im a single parent, so those things come first. Im living with relatives until i save some money to get my own place again, which is my first priority not this. Is their anyway for me to beat this & will i have enough time to prepare?

John A. Washenko
John A. Washenko
8 years ago

i need help to remove an IRS lein and levy.

Keith Pierson
Keith Pierson
8 years ago

Whether or not this process applies to you must be determined by your situation. There are many exemptions available to us that we just don’t know about yet and therefore have not exercised them.

Assuming you are a normal victim who earned your money without the benefit of incorporation in private or small business enterprises or trades, using a Voucher from the IRS should easily get the lien paid and removed
without you having to access your personal funds to do so.

1. Be sure the IRS has your address information correctly on file.

2. Write them a letter requesting a voucher. This will be a very inauspicious document, mostly blank, with an actual Voucher beginning about 1/3 of the way down the paper. It will have your name and address and their name and address and very little else.

(It is possible you may already have a Voucher in your possession with all the communications that have likely taken place between them and you as they will almost always include one in every collection notice by reason of law)

Once you receive the letter with the Voucher on the bottom third of the letter read the Voucher carefully. You will notice the words ‘Use for payment’ just below the Voucher cut line. Subtle huh! That’s right it is a Voucher. One that converts to a check for them when YOU properly process it, the same as a payment, if we know the proper way to use it.

3. In the open space just above the IRS address, there is a space large enough to hand print the following:

“ACCEPTED”, one time only, in payment and settlement of the account through June 30, 2015, by Your Full Name Upper and Lower Case,
dated_____________, all rights reserved.”

Your SSN is on the voucher so there is no need for you to write it anywhere.

This instructs them to access the credit side of YOUR account and transfer credit to balance out the “debt” accrued on the other side of the ledger through the end of the most recent Federal fiscal year, including the lien amount.

4. To be certain the lien gets cleaned up you may want to attach a copy of the lien to the Voucher along with a note instructing them to remove the lien and reconvey the tile.

This should return things to normal with the property title being held by some UN or Federal State franchise dba MINNESOTA for example—and all debts should be zeroed out and you should be left alone until the next time they start their harassment again.

Under normal circumstances, about 30 days later, the lien will be released.

Again, this only applies to those whose earnings came without the “benefit”
of incorporation in private or small business enterprises or trades. Only you can make a correct assessment as to whether this criteria is met.

This approach can be used annually for IRS fines, liens, etc.

You can also opt to ‘one time’ revoke your election to pay income taxes forever if you choose. But here again, the same qualifications apply to the opt out as those that apply to the use of a Voucher. There’s that snag again “incorporated”.

The opt out has it’s own set of snags but can be easily navigated by the persistent freedom searcher. It goes without saying that one really has to want this stuff.

There is much more lawful remedy available to us. When each of us study and share this stuff as if our lives depended on it, soon all will have access to every remedy needed.

The rat bastards could not get away with what they are doing without providing the option to opt out and the remedy to their deception(s) documented somewhere within USC or IRC. We just gotta diligently search for the remedies and come to a perfect understanding of it.

There is no substitute for knowing this stuff like you know the back of your hand.

As Alaska Superior Court Judge Anna von Reitz has stated……we peacefully get even by making them pay through intelligent pen wielding and using the certified mail process. AnnavonReitz.com

Good luck,


8 years ago

Hello I have a question, what facts and evidence do you rely on to prove that the constitution/ laws apply to anyone and that they “government”would have jurisdiction over you/me. I have ask a few lawyers and the attorney general in my area but I get nothing. Maybe you can answer, write me back with your facts and evidence.

Lex Lexy
Lex Lexy
8 years ago

Hello I have a quick question..my son got a not complete stop at stop sign.he told the judge he wish not to contract with her and he is a man is here to answer a verify claim not a complain..since the judge kick me out the room she said he was guilty. I want to appeal under common law for barratry clerk told me because the charge fee was lest than $100 can’t..I said fraud has no expiration date.I want to appeal this case not on their term.how I do that.justice of the peace court

8 years ago

Study the work of Karl Lentz until you know it like the back of your hand! He's on You Tube. His work is amazing! Lawfully he separates the wheat from the chaff.

You may not agree with his use of language from time to time, but he is the real deal and that is what each and every lawyer and judge needs to encounter. In addition to what it feels like on the inside of their for profit prisons also of course. 

Every natural living man and woman needs to become expert in common law. It is not quick and easy to learn, but it is the key to 'keeping our republic'.

Instituting common law courts throughout the land will starve them of their unjust incomes. Once common society learns of the mafia tactics employed by our 'federal government' it won't be long before the revolution begins and the federal government topples from it's lofty fictitious perch.

Who knows the final price of making this happen, but for the sake of our progeny we cannot fail to make it happen.

I made these types of comments to one who got angry with me for stating these truths and he told me I had better settle down. My response was that it is not time to settle down, but time to settle up.

You will benefit also from reading the material from Anna Von Reitz, an Alaska Superior Court Judge. See annavonreitz.com 


Mark Bliss
Mark Bliss
2 years ago

I need someone to call me at the phone lines below, I intend to purchase a full membership, plus, plus.
However, I have been electrocuted and have not been able to set up the speech recognition software.
and can not type well.
I am a NC resident Anson county, huge can of worms and little to no time.
pls. call, I can pay for your help already the state has stolen 50k and unlawfully on their way to….
my DOD cell is below 24/7
Mark Bliss, CAPS

Chief Estimator

Compliance Officer

Attorney in Fact and Primary Agent

LCM Builders, Inc.

P: 1-800-329-8338

C: 704-560-4374

E: mbliss@lcmbuilders.com


Frank Miles
Frank Miles
2 years ago

How should I sign Pre Trial documents for release if you’re sent by email or should I have them faxed and sent it back in the mail and somebody please help me

Harold Adkins
Harold Adkins
2 years ago


Harold Adkins
Harold Adkins
2 years ago

All you had to do was google it

Jan 11, 2021

Judgment & Commitment as to Theron J. Marrs (1), Count(s) 1, 2, 2s, 3-6, 3s-6s, 7s, DISMISSED; Count(s) 1s, SENTENCING DATE: 1/8/21; PROBATION: Five (5) years; RESTITUTION: $264,187.69; SPECIAL ASSESSMENT: $100.00 (USM #80408-065) Signed on 1/11/21 by Judge Michael H. Simon. (Three certified copies forwarded to U.S. Marshal on 1/11/21.) (schm) (Entered: 01/11/2021)

Main Doc­ument

Judgment & Commitment

Lenny Nowakowski
Lenny Nowakowski
2 years ago

My potential situation seemingly becomes more and more dire with each passing day. I literally feel as if it’s always 1 step forward and then 2 steps back when getting into correcting my status and dealing with the goons. I do know that if this was “easy” then everybody would seemingly be more on the same page with one another. It’s almost as if I experience a “Groundhog Day” where I am almost starting from scratch for one reason or another each and every time I try to get back into learning the Redemption process for myself. I guess my question to you folks is are there document templates that one might utilize for following through on many of these processes? I’d love to take advantage of what you have to offer but would $29 per month be able to put me on the road to redemption and if so, do you have any idea how long it is before the average individual can stand tall, in honor confidently and dispose of most of the more common presumptions and statutory oversite? Thank you very much for your time, I look forward to hearing from you.

Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson
2 years ago

Does anyone have a copy of the Slam Dunk document? Email me at eggchan@protonmail.com thanks in advance

2 years ago

How do I pay in the model for the nation forModel Number: 6691571

Lawrence Cook
2 years ago

@Darin What are you talking about? What Model are you referring to?

Chad Cunningham
Chad Cunningham
2 years ago

Needing help on challenging jurisdiction in family court. I am drawing up a “notice by special hearing” document and just need help making it strong. Will be “presenting myself” per SIRI JURIS and PROPRIA PERSONA.

My soon to be X is a 17 year attorney from another country. She’s not practicing law yet here in the states, but is going to school to pass her BAR exam. She only see’s our law in “black and white”, whereas, I’m awoke and knowing the real truth about our reality and “jurisdictions”, i have a possibility to shut Down the court as for her not to use the courts against me and protect myself from all the fraudulent acts against us.

I wasn’t aware of all this fraud on us and only learn 2 months ago of the severity of it all and when I thought I was just going to fight a possible “immigration fraud case”, now I am learning I’m fighting against fraud from our own country, fraud of my soon to be x wife and possibly fraud from my attorney (laughing).

I learned that a marriage license is nothing more than a “business contract” between man and woman and state, and when you sign that thing, you make the state primary contract holder of that license (your life literally). This was confirmed by my own attorney when I had mentioned that the court has no jurisdiction over me or my personal private matters because, I didn’t sign no marriage license in the states, i got married in my wife’s country of Belarus. That’s when he puckered up and got spooked because when I mentioned this marriage license was actually a “business contract”, I wasn’t supposed to know this. My attorney is also a judge and now he’s ignoring me (laughing). But yeah, he admitted to me i was right.

I wonder what he would do when I explain to him about the birth certificates and that CQV trust (Public Charity Trust). – laughing

So is there anyone how can help me in here with the very fun project of pissing every court officers on making a strong document??

Email me at aviator727cp@yahoo.com

Antonio Daisley
Antonio Daisley
2 years ago

So in order to do the trust package, one must visit a 3rd party for an additional 5k? On top of the trust package from this site?🤔

Michael and Susan Eckert
Michael and Susan Eckert
2 years ago

We are in a battle with our HOA where they have foreclosed on our home for a variety of reasons, most importantly, we inherited the home from my wife’s mother who passed away in 2018 and have been dealing with probate as well as the HOA issues, in the court filing, the HOA legal department served my wife Susan as the defendant when in fact, she is still not the homeowner. We have filed responses to the court, took a Chapter 13, which was a joke and now face eviction through sheriff sale on the 29th of this month, how do we stop the Sheriff sale and put the HOA in it’s place

Mohammed Bashir
Mohammed Bashir
1 year ago

Yes I did answer them with “defendant appears pro se answers plaintiff’s compliant as follows before we can proceed with this matter as director and beneficiary of my legal person/corporation you have 21 days to respond in writing and provide proof of claim with evidence that you have legal and lawful authority as my public servant to bother me at all.” And the lawyer immediately the next day filed an affirmation/affidavit of service. And the case status changed to Pre-RJI

Nick Kunz
Nick Kunz
1 year ago

I’m excited to become more empowered through education and strategies.

Tom Schmit
Tom Schmit
1 year ago

Friends: I don’t understand your web site. I signed up for the “Discharge through Equity” class.
Not sure if I am enrolled or not. I sent 997 dollars for the class.


Yesenia Galiano-Franco
Yesenia Galiano-Franco
1 year ago

Hello, I am trying to figure out where do I began in research as I have been subpoena to appear in court and “commanded” to bring my daughter who is a minor to witness on a criminal case (in which she was a victim of domestic violence). My daughter is getting sick from all this stress and I have continued to express that to the DA, as they keep pressuring her to testify. I have gone as far as give them doctors note on how sick she is getting and a doctor actually writing a letter to let the DA know that she is suffering from the thought of having to face the abuser. At this point we want to move on with our lives but the police continue to knock on our door almost weekly with a new subpoena (which I do not sign). I am afraid that I will get in some sort of trouble if I continue to ignore and to be honest I feel our peace is being disturbed as I mentioned we just want to move forward and not continue to deal with this matter as it is causing more emotional and mental damage then any good both from the abuser and the police. Any guidance to where to look would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

David Ellis
David Ellis
1 year ago

Hello I’m new to the page and I am very thankful to have found this. I have been listening to the videos on YouTube for a few weeks now and And I am doing my very best to take notes end to repeat videos so I can remember them best. However things in this case brought against me have taken a turn this last week and to be quite honest, I’m scared. That’s what leads me to this attempt to reach out for clear help. I am a father of 5 and I work hard And I’m just now getting back to work after being laid off if I could afford doctor Frederick Gray’s Porsche and the premium package I would have them both However unfortunately this is all I am Able to Afford so I am going to Do my best to respect the websites rules and to explain my situation as clear as possible, IF ANYONE can please help me understand clearly what to do next it would mean very much to me and my family.

A few months ago I received a female for a job being a secret chopper I always heard of these shops and I thought they were interesting and I was laid off at the time so I gave it a shot they sent me a check I went to the supermarket In the small town in Pennsylvania that I live in an cashed the check, and did a I was instructed. Honestly I thought this was amazing and came at such a time when we were very very in need of financial assistance so needless to say I felt good about the entire process. Fast forward to a month later I am at a friend of mine’s house who has the police out front just arriving on the scene because somebody had smashed and completely totaled my good friend’s car as they live on a pretty busy road going through town And their car is parked in front of their home on that street. A police officer comes up to me and asks ” ARE you David Ellis” I said “Why are you asking for my name” he said “Yeah you’re Dave Ellis put your hands behind your back I have a warrant for you” My entire world changed, I have never been arrested and never been in jail. I asked why I was being arrested and he said ” I have a warrant for you making and cashing fake checks” I was stunned. I began thinking what could he be talking about and that’s when I thought of the secret shopping temporary job. I was taken to the jail, processed and told I may see a Judge but doubtful and that I would be kept till I saw a judge. I was made to strip down, forced into jail clothing and suddenly a judge is available to see me via video, All I knew was I needed to get home to my family my wife had no way of even knowing what was going on They did not allow me to call Until after I saw a judge… I told the judge what had happened and that I in no way have anything to do with manufacturing fake checks and he said “well you might be on the hook for all of this” and release me on my own Reconnocence.

I did not receive anything in the mail any charges I was totally unaware that this even happened I was unaware that the check was fake so that I may report it as I am supposed to and this was totally a blindside. So On the first When I arrived and signed in I signed my name as ” Representative of the corporation David Ellis” when in court…they asked me over and over to state my name in which I stated the same as I signed in as, Representative of the Corporation David Ellis. The judge then asked me if I had a lawyer and I Stated I was representing myself and the judge said that I needed a lawyer Even though I stated I wish to continue and represent myself he said that he was going to continue it until I got Representation and to go to the public defender Office. I did not go to the public defender’s office. I DID NOT go to the PD office and instead i went home and continued to try to learn for the next hearing. The next Hearing went the same way and it was continued again And they again continued to try to get me to come to the public defender’s office they were much more adamant about it this time but again I did not go to the public defenders office. The next hearing was scheduled for the 24th of February however I mixed up the dates and arrived the 27th of February and when checking in I was told “That case is closed you need to go to the PD office for more information ” However I just believe this was another attempt to get me to get a public defender so I of course did not go to the public defender’s office and returned home to regroup and find out who to contact to get the final information if my case was dismissed or what happened. Well Needless To say the next day in the mail I received a warrant also with a warrant it States that I refused to get fingerprinted even though I was advised 2 however I have no paperwork given to me stating I needed to get fingerprinted And I was also fingerprinted at the jail when they arrested me for this And that part upset me very much because it’s lying to the judge making it seem as if I’m being defiant and refusing procedures which I would not do. So here I am now scared to go To work scared to go outside and with all this information I’m taking and I don’t know what it is I am to do next I don’t know if I’m supposed to to be filing some sort of paperwork I don’t know where to go next With this situation and now it seems like I’m going to go to jail again and I’m at your mercy for any guidance.

Thank you all for your time

David Ellis Jr

Midasia Diaz
Midasia Diaz
1 year ago

Hello! I was wondering what I could do about a state trooper pulling me over in the city. I did not physically have my driver’s license on me but my license is valid and up to date. Now I have to take time off work to appear in court to show that I do have a valid license and once done they MIGHT wave the $350 fine and I only have to pay the $55 for court costs. I was also given a no seat belt ticket.
What can I do to make the trooper have to appear in court just like I have to for this? I was not wearing my seat belt and this is why he pulled me over, so I won’t make much of a fuss about that ticket, but he could have just given me a warning about my license when it came up valid in the system. I don’t really see state troopers patrolling in the city so I’m curious if maybe he was out of jurisdiction, but I don’t know how to aquire that information

ruth maldonado
ruth maldonado
1 year ago

I became a prime member in order to learn more and help my son Christopher. Duplicitous and multiplicitous charges from the prosecutors, and lies from detective that my security cameras for pornography and distribution has been a problem in finding him defense. Will subrogation and acceptance help his case?
Ruth from New York

Cody Lewis
Cody Lewis
1 year ago

Addressed to ALL employees of “the United States Corporation”
Order To Release

The following is a true and correct statement of fact, that I, Man, Cody Ryan Lewis, BELIEVE IN MY HEART that I, Man, Cody Ryan Lewis, have done NO WRONG TO ANYONE, that would warrant such a hostel and unconstitutional arrest, being held against my will while demanding my right to immediate justice, held for ransom, deprived the right to stand in propria persona, face my accuser, and/or threatened with imprisonment and fines for doing what I, BELIEVE IN MY HEART, is within my creator’s given rights!

I, Man, Cody Ryan Lewis, son of Larry Kevin Lewis and Kristilyn Orton Lewis,
DID NOT and WILL NOT VOLUNITARLY consent to be a “citizen of the United States”.
[Also Congressional Record , June 13, 1967, pp. 15641-15646): A “citizen of the United States” is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-beneficiary of the PCT, the private constructive, cestui que trust of US Inc. under the 14th Amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc. in Section 4.[This neatly explains once and for all what a “citizen of the United States’’ is in federal parlance, as opposed to popular speech, and underlines the need for Americans to forthrightly expatriate from any such “citizenship” and instead declare their allegiance to the land of their nativity, for example, California or Nevada or Ohio.]
“Therefore, the U.S. citizens residing in one of the states of the union, are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an “individual entity.”
Wheeling Steel Corp V. Fox, 298 U.S. 193, 80 L. Ed. 1143, 56 S Ct. 773
See 20 CFR $422.104.]

I, Man, Cody Ryan Lewis, who believes he is a good and honorable, NOW AND FOREVER make it known; I expatriate from the United States Corporation, and declare my allegiance to the land of Nevada and/or whichever land I reside in, only for the time in which I reside, and will follow the Common Law for all Mankind.

I, Man, Cody Ryan Lewis, BELIEVE this error of “citizenship” was with the issuing of a Certificate of Birth, that was signed by my mother and Father under threat, duress, and collusion, without proper legal counsel, and without being properly taught their natural rights in schools provided by the Department of Education by the United States corporation. I hereby VOID all contracts and debt created by or for ANY fictitious name/entity that is not I, Man, Cody Ryan Lewis, the name given to me by my mother and Father, and I request new documents be issued to I, Man, Cody Ryan Lewis, stating to all agents of your corporation, I am Man, only to answer to man or woman, that claims I did them wrong, and to the Creator himself.


Any alleged crime (OR ANY TERM ASSOICATED) that I, Cody Ryan Lewis, have done wrong to another nature being or their property. I DEMAND that natural being, file a claim, stand in propria persona in a common law court of records and I will compensate that natural being if found guilty by a jury of my peers. Since, I was not being a danger to the community nor was there any indication or call for help by I or any other, I, Cody Ryan Lewis, DEMAND any unjust complaint be made VOID and that I be compensated for the foul and unlawful treatment of a man of the Creator, by agents of your corporation, the United States, by weight equaling 426.2 troy pounds or 350.07 pounds of gold: For the frivolous and fraudulent contract to which its true meaning and intent were devilish and in all ways criminal by the laws of mankind, forced onto my person and property since the date of my arrival to the land were my Mother and Father resided. Also, for the numerous times I, Cody Ryan Lewis, was deprived life and liberty under a false entity “CODY RYAN LEWIS” for “laws” created by a corporation made solely to tax, oppress, and enslave its employees or “citizens”. I, Man, Cody Ryan Lewis, in good nature and right mind, having just learn the true nature of being a “citizen of the United States” can no longer be a part of such a corrupt corporation masking itself to be a free and just government.
Weight of Gold to be paid 50% to I, man, Cody Ryan Lewis, and the remaining 50% be used to assemble a Constitutional Convention to rewrite a new Constitution. One in which is truly, by the people and solely for the people and their duty to better this Land given to us by the Creator and to abolish now and forever any tyrannical government or monopolized corporation whose goal provides for the few and suppresses the many. Not one person on this land, in the ever-expanding universe, was meant to be governed or made servant to another but to only do what is right to their fellow mankind.


I, Man, Cody Ryan Lewis, here, now, and forever, do declare my dedication and allegiance to the land in which I reside and the country I BELIEVE to be the Unions of America unincorporated. To answer immediately, when called to help defend, protect, or provide aid to the union as a whole or to a member of my community in any way I can for a limited time, set be I, man, Cody Ryan Lewis, as a way of not creating a new corrupt governmental form of slavery. To not deprive any man or woman of life or liberty and to be active in my community. To pay a fair tax, solely for the purpose to maintain, defend, and improve the union and compensate those who serves the duties to maintain, defend, and improve this union.


I, man, Cody Ryan Lewis, was proud to be an American until learning the truly evil nature in which “the United State Corporation” has treated their “citizens” (noting the lower-case c) and to be enslaved for 31 years of forced servitude and which has been going on since the Illegal ratification of the Articles of Confederation. As the whole world can see, this Union is in DIRE need of change and if the Citizens of the Unions of America unincorporated can come together PEACEFULLY and PROMPTLY, I see no reason that we, people of strong will, right mind, fair, and just, can rid this country of tyranny and oppressors and become, a perfect Union.

I, Man, Cody Ryan Lewis, again state, that this statement is true and correct and that I BELIEVE IN MY HEART, the Creator would not accept that I be a part of this corruption; Nor any Man or Woman be oppressed and/or enslaved and that it is our duty to the laws of mankind, by any peaceful way possible, eliminate this evil and if evil will not go peacefully then we must fight to the death to protect the Land Air Water we have been so generously given by our creators.
Upon reading this official statement of fact, you, the reader of this statement and document of fact, agree to terms stated and to forward this document to the proper administrator to correct and file the proper documents removing I, Man, Cody Ryan Lewis from any fraudulent contracts. Gold to be issued to I, Man, Cody Ryan Lewis, for 31 years of forced servitude and imprisonment and not from each individual agency but to be collected from all agencies that has wronged my person and/or property in the prior 31 years and ONLY if a Constitutional Convention be assembled in which the ENTIRE people in this country can express their voice, Half of said amount can be used to assemble no later than December 31, 2023.
Any dispute to the terms of this new contract must be made within 14 days from date sent either by certified mail or electronic mail.
Non response will be taken as agreement to these terms.
Thank you and well wishes,
Cody Ryan Lewis.

Signed by I, Man, Cody Ryan Lewis, on this day, June 15th, 2023.

Jeanne Martin
Jeanne Martin
1 year ago

Need direction for proper SS-4filing for debt discharge. I’m new on the path 2 freedom. Do I submit it as a private banker?

Thanks for the suppprt.

1 year ago

I did want to join the equity class but what I am reading is that you will discuss certain subjects but refer you to the downloads, will there be an actual instructor looking over our case or will it be on your own? I want to discharge my house and my automobile does the class allow to do that with assistance? I am not behind on payments.

4 months ago

I have a question for human members where are the forms that TJ talks about customizable form such as conditional acceptance

Dallas Hicks
Dallas Hicks
4 months ago

Is the anyway to beat two driving while suspendeds

Lance Martin
Lance Martin
2 months ago

This is my initial/introductory contributon here at You are the Law. I should look around more before I comment, but I have found, in what my opinion, is a telling quote within the preface of Black’s Law Dictionary; Fourth Edition,

BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY has proven its value through the years to the busy practitioner, judge and law student who requires quick and convenient access to the meanings of legal terms and phrases found in statutes or judicial opinions, as well as to the special legal meanings of standard English words-meanings which frequently cannot be found in the ordinary English language dictionaries.”

I ask, where is the good faith, conscionable contrcating practices, or transparency? Well, I think I’ve found a place here where I might not feel so alone in my dispair as I prepare for my time of battle with the IPSISSMUS VERBIS and his agents. I’ll tell ya as I navigate this Black’s book of spells, a labyrinth lined with word chains of pains, I have to believe there will come a point in time when these involuntary negotiable trusts, these adhesion contracts of such inofficios testiment made as actual authority through confusion of title instruments incorporated through office copy exemplificaton lying in grant while this sole actor doctrine nonsence possesses via Vital Statistics Law of 1953 Cl. 35 Act of Jun. 29, 1953, P.L. 304, No. 66 see Article VI Change of Civil Status; sections 601 through 604 and you will be amazed and flabbergasted! But here is the point I want to make… Words are pesent for all of us to utilize and as for Vital Statistics Law or that CDPH-VR-VS for that matter; these have been enacted in violation of USC 1-101 and I think can be argued and moot and of no consequece. Here is USC 1-101 as compared to the enacting clause for Vital Statistics Law and another enacting clause for the 41st Congress; An Act toprovide a government for the District of Columbia:

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled.” July 30, 1947, ch. 388, 61 Stat. 634.                                                                                    [CORRECT AND PROPER]

The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania hereby enacts as follows      [UNCONSTITUTIONAL!]     
THE ENACTING CLAUSE FOR THE 41ST CONGRESS- An Act to provide a government for the District of Columbia.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all that part of the territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia be, and the same is hereby, created into a government by the name of the District of Columbia                                                                       [UNCONSTITUTIONAL]

I’ll shut up as I’ve way over staye my welcome with such a lengthy comment, but I got excited when I found this stuff and I didn’t know if it is common knowledge or something someone else might see some points of leverage which might be gleaned from just such non-adherance to their own rules. How does that go? Rules for thee and Class Legislated Royoalty for me?
Anyway, Hope I didn’t add to anyone’s frustration but passed on some good grounds to stand confident on.
With much respect and positive thoughts,
Lance Martin

10 days ago

I have a situation where I have 2 warrants for my arrest, and I have been studying like crazy. I live in a very small rural town in north Florida and to say the least the cops here are above the law. I just want to be left alone to live my life in peace regardless of what they think. I have harmed no one and was in my home when they sent a confidential informant in to ask for drugs, I know how society thinks but I have been self-medicating since I was 17 years old and am now 46. I do not push anything on anyone nor do I or have I ever introduced anyone to it and I do not believe in allowing anyone young to take part regardless of what they do away from me, My point is no one wants to believe there are good moral people who have issues with addiction. Because of my self-medication all these years I spent almost 8 years in prison and jail with my last bid being 4.5 years. I don’t know what to do at this point because I have studied so much and there are so many ways to go about fighting this evil system I’m in a slump as to which is going to be the best way. My boyfriend is currently incarcerated on the same charges because they arrested him at probation. I have his discovery is why I am able to know more details than I should. The Affidavit-Complaint says he was positively identified by the CI and the Narrative that goes with it names me as being positively identified by the CI with him assisting. The ADA sent my personal information to his defense attorney who sent it to him in the jail. It has my name, address, d/o/b/. social security number. DL number, ect… I know with this paperwork we have issues to address. I just don’t know what the best way would be to hold them accountable for their blatant lies and mishandling of private information. Can you please lead me to water and I will do whatever it takes to drink. I do not want to spend the rest of my life locked up for harming no one but myself. Thank you in advance.