2 Credit Bureaus $11,000+Deleted

2 Credit Bureaus Show $11,000+Deleted

Hope you and your loved ones are well. Thank you so much for providing a broad range of courses to help people such as I.

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I've been a Delete Debt-GOLD Member for a few months, and I appear to have made significant progress with the help of the course. The 2 attached credit bureau replies are responses the dispute I filed to both CB's for an unsecured credit card with Associated Credit Union. Experian had no negative entries when I pulled my credit report last month. Equifax & TransUnion had negative entries that included showing several months of recent late payments. The good news is those late payment indicators are now gone along with what appears to be a zero balance. However, this is all new to me and I'm not sure if my work is done yet because (despite reviewing multiples times the credit bureau replies, the course notes, and my own intense research) I cannot unequivocally answer the following question.

Question: Although the two credit bureau replies appear to show a $0 balance, will the “charge off” notation on each reply still damage my credit report?

Best wishes, Toro




ANSWER – Once it is removed by the credit bureau the lender can still come back to challenge it, so unless they say they are pulling out you may need to move forward on the steps. It really depends on what happens. A “charge off” is a negative. Do you may need to pursue that per the course? They are taking a tax credit and not receiving some credit to the reclaimed balance. This is tax evasion on their part. This can damage your credit further if it was not a VERIFIED debt as required in the letters. It is a false statement on your record on an account that was not verified — yet another count to sue for. Violation of fair debt collection practices act. Keep looking at the chart in the course for other similar possible violations.


Learn more about Deleting Your Debt HERE

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