2 Minute Court Appearance Strategy- Simpler Than Before

The Winning Simple Quick Strategy for an Initial Court Appearance.

A simple idea from www.youarelaw.org

(This was posted on another message board, with tips added. Not legal advice).

A printable version is in the Premium Member materials.  3rd party article source.

You really should appear for cases if in doubt that you need to, and close the record rather than not appear and end up having a warrant issued.  Way too many cocky patriots make the mistake. You need to close the “books” on the “charge” so they leave you alone. It is simple and consistent with other strategies we’ve seen. Too many people get cocky and simple don’t appear, thus causing more problems.  Judges don’t want this concept known, and BAR attorneys will NOT do this for you. This is something good to do early, before accepting an attorney. It might save you a lot of cash and grief. Keep it simple, do not add to it.

This was from a case in LA apparently.

A woman said these 4 things only – anyone could do this. Memorize this just in case, and keep a copy with you wherever you go.

First – I do not consent to these proceedings.

Second – Your offer is not accepted.

Third – I do not consent to being surety for this case and these proceedings.

Fourth – I demand the bond be immediately brought forward, so I can see who will indemnify me if I am damaged.

The judge reportedly dismissed the case, and told her to leave the court. Someone who had listened also did the same, and was released. This is why when they see this coming, they put you at the end of the day so others will not see this. This re-scheduling to the end game happens a lot. After the 2nd case like this, the judge told everyone to go home, and he closed court for the day. Said the court will not open until the next day, he then left the court.

Always be ready for some push back, but go back to these 4 main points, and tell them we cannot proceed until these issues are addressed. They WILL try to move on to other proceedings or get you engaged in other things or issues, so be ready for them to distract and dissuade you. Get these items resolved and stay on point to close the deal in a few moments.

If they do push you into getting a public defender or a private attorney, accept the public defender then use the method found at  https://www.youarelaw.org/slamdunk for an ongoing way to kick the case out.

Also check out Premium Membership for more ideas, if you are not a premium member yet.

Of course ongoing knowledge of a how to handle jurisdictional and void judgement methods is still needed, in case this goes beyond this appearance. Not likely to work in criminal matters where a real damaged party or endangered party is involved.

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