A Quick Credit Boost Story by Catherine

Catherine B. at the time of posing her comment is a newer member of our: >> DELETE DEBT GOLD MEMBERSHIP Course Here was her quick post: Success Story: The credit bureaus have quickly removed old addresses, employers, aliases (Equifax hasn’t yet removed old names), and hard inquiries as taught in… Read more“A Quick Credit Boost Story by Catherine”

$66,236 Medical Bill GONE

For this victory we used our – Delete Debt GOLD course PLUS we used the added leverage of “owning nothing and controlling everything”, as a result of using the – Status-Trust Wealth and Zero Tax Course as well. This one-two punch erased a hospital bill by 85% when insurance coverage… Read more“$66,236 Medical Bill GONE”

How to Sign Documents to Protect Yourself

How you sign document is the best way to protect your rights as you go. No special status is needed. Have you ever heard of signing your life away? Here is how to avoid it from now on every day…when you sign something. Choose what signature to use and when…… Read more“How to Sign Documents to Protect Yourself”