We Won But Then Made a Mistake – Not paying attention

Thank you for the helpful info about appeals. I have completed the entire Common Law default process. I did the Brady request and motion to dismiss for finding facts and conclusion of law, plus the the motion in Limine, the motion to dismiss for objection of ratification.  I also sent in affidavit questionnaire, motion for discovery offer of plea or dismissal, I wrote and sent in the Silver Bond, plus I sent the motion for subrogation, and the letter to the clerk about the subrogation.

I followed that up with all 3 letters about the Foreign Registration Statements, and the Submission for record challenging jurisdiction. I completely feel I have this case won on appeals, as in addition I forced them to enter a plea of not guilty, and objected to it for another 15 minutes, before they consented that its an appeal-able issue for the record.

After the first arraignment, and then a second arraignment which they used to turn into an oral motions argument, I met with the officer right before my first trial. I agreed to go get a license and she would drop all charges. I wanted to make sure I had a win. my confidence was shook after they railroaded me at the oral motions argument, which was suppose to be a re first appearance to deal with my jurisdiction challenge. During the first scheduled trial appearance, the officer and I listened as the judge was uttering the words dismissed on all charges, when the officer told him I had agreed to go get a license (they were looking for a public way out). The judge asked me if I would do this, and I said yes. He said I no longer had to come to court and the officer would inform him when I received my license. When I called to schedule a license, I was not able to get an appointment until 10/25/18 and so let the officer know I would not be able to have license within 30 days. She said no problem she would let the judge know.

I then received a letter from the courts to come back for a second trial in September. I had been reading your site none stop, along with others, and became over confident. I mistakenly skipped the trial in September, after I received a letter from the courts saying all charges where dismissed.

Then surprisingly about 4 days letter I got a letter vacating the order to dismiss charges, and come to the third scheduled trial. Feeling confident about not going. I went and saw the officer before the trial and showed her all the paperwork I had sent in to update her about the case – out of respect. I let the officer know that I am not going to get a license now since it was such a pain in the butt with the new way they do issue them now.

We walked up to the cashier and she checked in on the case and was told the judge was going to dismiss it. So after checking in about another case she had. She approached me and asked me if I was ready to go up stairs to court. I told her no, I did not want to contract back in, and that my paperwork was my appearance as it state, and that I was waiting for a reply in the mail, as my paperwork had asked.

She said okay no problem have a good day, and then text me an hour or so later. Telling me the judge found me in default for failure to appear (wow, how they are deceptive). She said she asked the judge to hold over the case, and that I had made an appearance that morning. So the judge said no, and found me guilty. I got played. My bad.

I still believe I have this case won on appeals, as the right to due process has been denied, and courts lose jurisdiction once that happens for good. So I feel appeals are the way to go now. I believe I have what I need to win on the record already. Yes, I made mistakes as I was learning more and more about courts and law. However, like Carl Miller said, if you aren't having fun, you aren't doing it right. I know I didn't need to go overboard on the motions ect. However, I wanted to make my point to the courts, not to pull me over anymore, and since then no one has. They tail me for a few miles and then let me be. I have never felt more free, or had so much fun going to court. The officer sent me a text asking me if I would consider going to school and becoming a lawyer, lol.

Thank you for all of your responses, and all the hard work over your lifetime helping free the People. I was unsure about the Void judgment paper work. Since I will file for appeals, would it be helpful to send it to the court of appeals? I know that I cannot add to my file for appeals. So that's why I was wondering if I sent in the void judgment as a response to their default judgement in the previous court.

On a side note, I have written a document from all that I have learned so far ( you may add it to your website if you feel its appropriate). I believe this will allow a person to handle there administrative duties out of court…. Your brother in Christ, JB Bond

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