Another easy Settlement Before Court Offered

Hey TJ,

Good news, I went to court it was the day of the trial and the prosecutor met me in the hallway. Before I could enter the courtroom the prosecutor said “let’s make a deal”.  I told the prosecutor we didn’t need to make a deal because his 3 days had came and passed. He told me he was going to be up front with me, and he had no clue how to answer a “Bill of Complaint in Equity” or “Subrogation”(I think he does know how).

The prosecutor asked me to plead no contest and to a much smaller charge of “Disorderly Conduct”, and to pay just a $200 fine. They originally charged me with “Interruption of a Government Investigation” and wanted jail time plus a $2,500 fine. I was hesitant to accept, but I did to not deal with it anymore.

Thank You.

(COMMENT – As we discuss, they will not give you an obvious recognition of Expressing the Trust, but they commonly will make an easy to accept deal, if you approach the prosecutor privately first after you paperwork is submitted). Stay out of court and follow up – always try to meet them privately first.

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Charles Hopper
Charles Hopper
5 years ago

Do you know of someone that can give me some advice on my Veteran claim

Charles Hopper
Charles Hopper
5 years ago

Everything on this site is great knowledge for anyone

Wayne Garcia
Wayne Garcia
5 years ago

Hi I have been reading and lots of videos!
Wow this is the answer to many souls troubles! I’m very happy for those successful in winning there cases ! T J I’m in foreclosure, I watched the video on common law ! Wow my cases involve two foreclosures and a angry x wanting to collect more money , also a family that is trying to take the rest ! I’m also interested in creating a ministry! I own a school complex ,/ catholic nuns taught here from 1926 to 1972 ! This complex is amazing, just the gym is incredible. T J I totally understand your concept. I donate to charities all the time , I just found the perfect God sent place to invest the care , I Wayne Garcia need to be apart of ! T J one
Question, would it be possible to be one of
Testimonies on your newly common law arbitration? My back is agains the wall !
Thank you for your time !
God bless all!