Another State Judge Orders End to Shut Down

Oregon joins Wisconsin in a court victory for the people, to stop unconstitutional “shut down” orders by the governor, who was acting without legislative authority. A good start at least.

UPDATE – The state supreme court issued a temporary injunction keeping the governors orders in place while they review. But it appears clear in the rules she is acting outside the delegated authority – we'll see. People need to keep up the good work.

See the VIDEO report

See the full local news article in HERE

HUGE news for the rule of law and for the people.

An Oregon judge just effectively shut down the “dictator like “executive orders” to shut down the state. Other states are in the same process now, but will need your support for the rule of law. This is what happens when the people know their rights.

We have been encouraging groups to stand up and file suits to test the constitutionality of these dictator like orders which all the governors have been implementing. We can't let out of control government use this as an excuse to implement Medical Marshall law by taking advantage of the corona virus scare.

Now that we know there is generally less than 1 in 2000 chance of a fatality from Covid 19, it is time for common sense and for the people to control their serve-ants instead…not the other way around. Now we can to what makes sense – Focus on the high risk people and leave the rest of us to choose for ourselves as we have with all other illnesses.

This is what we are all about at –

Will your state be next to become free? It's up to you.



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