Discover the Power Within
News and tips on private law and self-empowerment.
Case Dismissed Appointing the Judge Trustee
Case Dismissed Appointing the Judge Trustee The charge was an F6 felony case in the State of Indiana. I used the motion for discovery/ conditional acceptance/ motion to dismiss documents from Primarily, I did my own DUE DILIGENCE to over-stand the information in the documents you presented in the
Can you challenge or void a judgment in a federal criminal case?
What are some ways to challenge or void a judgment in a federal criminal case? Here are some common ways to challenge or void a judgment in a federal criminal case: 1. Direct Appeal If the judgment is recent and you have not yet exhausted your appeals, you can file
Do You Need a “Government Approved License” to be Married? Not According to the Rules
Do You Need a “Government Approved License” to be married? Not According to the Federal Rules of Evidence. We have material in our Premium Member section downloads on how to create a private marriage, possible avoiding Caesar from controlling/ regulating your marriage and babies. Here is some research to look
Can Negotiable Instruments Be Used to Pay Taxes?
Can Negotiable Instruments Be Used to Pay Taxes? Negotiable instruments, such as promissory notes and checks, are pivotal in financial transactions, but their role in tax payments is complex. While the IRS generally requires taxes to be paid in accepted currency, negotiating instruments can play a role in setoff and
$17,000 Deleted After a Round of Debt Collection Letters
$17,000 Deleted After a Round of Debt Collection Letters Jess used our standard 3 letter with a 3rd party debt collector who finally gave up, and sent it back to the bank, and they gave in – as usual. It will be removed from credit as well since it was
How to Sign Documents to Protect Yourself
How you sign document is the best way to protect your rights as you go. No special status is needed. Have you ever heard of signing your life away? Here is how to avoid it from now on every day…when you sign something. Choose what signature to use and when…
Financial News
The deeper truth of how the financial world works Has Evened the Playing Field of Credit Evened the Playing Field of Credit Disputes There are 4 rounds (letters) total. All can be found on the site (4 different letters). Use all 4 to build a case IF you have to go to court. IF you are just looking to get this stuff off your
Final Rule Can Delete Debt for Millions
Final Rule to Remove Medical Debt From Credit Reports of Americans It has been announced this week that a final rule by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) that will remove $49 billion in unpaid medical bills from the credit reports of 15 million Americans. The agency reports this move
Can Negotiable Instruments Be Used to Pay Taxes?
Can Negotiable Instruments Be Used to Pay Taxes? Negotiable instruments, such as promissory notes and checks, are pivotal in financial transactions, but their role in tax payments is complex. While the IRS generally requires taxes to be paid in accepted currency, negotiating instruments can play a role in setoff and
Common Law & Common Questions
Knowing a few simple ‘tricks' of common law can save you $1000s and keep you out of jail.
Case Dismissed Appointing the Judge Trustee
Case Dismissed Appointing the Judge Trustee The charge was an F6 felony case in the State of Indiana. I used the motion for discovery/ conditional
Can you challenge or void a judgment in a federal criminal case?
What are some ways to challenge or void a judgment in a federal criminal case? Here are some common ways to challenge or void a
Do You Need a “Government Approved License” to be Married? Not According to the Rules
Do You Need a “Government Approved License” to be married? Not According to the Federal Rules of Evidence. We have material in our Premium Member
Success Stories & Testimonials
Read how others, just like you, beat the system to delete debt and win court cases on their own
How to Fight Credit Scammers in California and Restore your Credit This student testimonial was taken from a large coaching call for members on how to delete debt and tax strategies. Members may see
Medical Debt Erased Like Magic with 3 Letters This student testimonial was taken from a large coaching call for members on how to delete debt and tax strategies. Members may see Has Evened the Playing Field of Credit Evened the Playing Field of Credit Disputes There are 4 rounds (letters) total. All can be found on the site (4 different letters).
The “Block” Got Late Payments Deleted from all 3 Credit Reports I successfully had a debt with late payments deleted from all three credit reports using the FCRA § 605(b) Block as teaches. However,
All 3 Credit Bureaus Removed Negative Items Fast
All 3 Credit Bureaus Removed Negative Items Fast John Spendlove (JAN 2025) Update: All three credit bureaus have removed and blocked everything related to the
Case Dismissed Appointing the Judge Trustee
Case Dismissed Appointing the Judge Trustee The charge was an F6 felony case in the State of Indiana. I used the motion for discovery/ conditional