Case dismissed on ticket by holding her ground as beneficiary

From Andrew – Premium Member

My wife had a court appointment this afternoon with a couple of traffic tickets. 

My wife doesn’t get a lot of tickets, but she was savvy enough to sign her ticket “without prejudice”. So, we sent in the simplest subrogation paperwork that has available. I added a few things to the paperwork specific to her case. Not sure how much difference this made but we also filed a form 56 listing the judge as a trustee with specific duties concerning the two traffic tickets. 

When her name was called, she didn’t answer. She just stood up and approached the gate where she would go in and announced before she stepped in that she was there “by special appearance as a beneficiary to the old capital name trust listed on the tickets”. Then, whenever the judge would try to get her to identify as the name on the ticket, she simply stated “I am the beneficiary of ALL CAPITAL LETTER trust named on the ticket”. She ended up having to state this four times, and the judge was losing her cool, she carried on about how she couldn’t be named as a trustee. The judge continued to ask, “what beneficiary”, my wife was a real trooper. She carefully articulated her position with confidence. The judge ended up asking the officer that was involved in this incident two different times if he could identify my wife as the person that he gave the ticket to, and he could not. The judge became extremely frustrated, threw her hands up in the air, and said Well “all I can do is dismiss this case”. 

I could barely hold it together until we got out of the quart room. What a fantastic day.

Andrew (posted November 2022)


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