Case Dropped After False Witness Was Caught

Case Dropped After False Witness Was Revealed

From Douglas – (names are anonymous to protect their identity – slightly edited for clarity)

The situation with Carlos turned out fine, he was released with no charges (as we discussed may happen in the circumstances if you just hold your ground). The (false) victim/accuser/girlfriend was a hostile witness and the prosecution dropped it once realizing this.

In this case we didn’t have a chance to employ all the possible concepts we discussed. However, I would like you to anonymously publish this email if you like, as a testimonial.

I would be pleased for everyone you associate with to know you took time and care to understand the situation, and spent ample time explaining very valuable information in a stressful time. You did not try to sell your product and even advised against it in this case, until other avenues were exhausted as suggested.

Jurisdictionary  (as you recommend also) must be one of the finest course/resources in the land, and when combined with your insights. I sincerely believe you offer a valuable service to the people.

To the public I say: You will feel much more in control, and experience better outcomes when integrating these things into your law strategy from !



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