Case Law to Win Many Lawsuits, Criminal Charges, and More

Believe it or not, there is plenty of case law to support your rights as one of the people. You must use case law (which is the real law, not the statutes) to win.  So with a little homework, you may find all you need is in the case law, and not in “Sovereign” or “Patriot” theories.

The hold your servants accountable…THAT is a winning formula you can use in the real world, by going on on offense when they violate the law trying to chase you…as they usually do. But you have to be the one catching them, and documenting it on the record.  Point out their defects when your servants trespass upon your and your rights, which they commonly do. Case law is the key. The real criminals may be the ones pursuing you for profit and to keep their job justified.  At least then you can plan for and use these matters, you are ready for an appeal.  This is commonly needed when lower courts ignore the laws and the precedence you point out.  Don't expect them to follow the law, and hit them hard in your written pleadings. These records of objections is can be part of an appeal only if you object along the way, and create a strong record.  Always plan as if you will have to go to appeals (and let them see you are ready for appeals if needed), by hitting them with these issues on the record.

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