DA Dismisses Multiple Charges At Once

Hi TJ – 

Let me start by saying I had studied SPC (known as a Secured Party Creditor process), thru various groups and gurus for 7 years, with little to show for it.

Over the years I got into these situation with it, and it only made is worse:

2 speeding tickets in 2 different precincts (1 gone to warrant), 2 failures to appear, 1 nuisance ticket for a dog, 1 dog at large, 1 failure to appear, 1 no seatbelt charge, 1 failure to maintain financial responsibility.  

I had previously tried a few things as a SPC to get dismissals but NOTHING worked.

I recently had a pre-trial conference with the assistant DA for the warrant and dog tickets. as usual it didn't go well using those SPC tactics. The Assistant DA, clerk, and constable were rude and treated me as though I were a criminal. Because of how I presented myself and in the papers, they all apparently saw me as part of part of some “Sovereign Citizen Movement”; they were definitely in charge, and I was on defense only by constantly making claims and answering their questions.  I left that initial conference already defeated. 

After join Youarelaw.org and studying the First Appearance in Court video and other lessons on different court procedures, I decided to resolve these matters with a fresh approach. I learned how to shift the burden of proof by being the one asking for things vs denying and fighting.

Since I had cases in 3 different precincts I decided to start with the warrant and dog tickets.

Using Youarelaw.org documents as a guide, I constructed and filed into the case a document with the clerk and copied to the Assistant DA on the following documents:

Conditional Acceptance, Motion for Discovery, Motion to Dismiss. Plus I took the exposition of  pleading guilty to the facts but not to a crime. This also requires them to PROVE their claims, produce first hand witnesses or injured parties, and require them to prove their bonding information, among other things. 

I received no response nor discovery from them after my request, as I am entitled to according to the rules of procedure. Those rules are what compels them to act – I learned to look them up and make them accountable to their rules.

Regarding the hearing of June 23, 2021: I arrived at 9 am. While checking in with a Deputy Clerk the Chief Clerk comes up from the back and introduces herself to me, with a big smile, and very friendly…SHOCKING!  The energy in the court house was totally different this time (this happens when you are the creditor in-honor, I was taught by TJ). Then the Constable escorted me into a “private” office, where Assistant DA was waiting.

I was taught by TJ when you are doing it right, they will respect you and speak to you in “the private” and not in “public” court. Once in that room, they just stood there smiling and watching me. I was puzzled.  Then the Assistant DA started by rattling off the charges. Then I said (as taught), “thank you, but before we get into all that, do you have my Discovery”?

BOOM!!! She shuffled through her papers for a minute. She then said they were so backlogged that her administrative assistant “must not have gotten to it”. 

Next thing I knew, she said: “I don’t have a problem dismissing speeding, the nuisance charge, the dog at large, and the failure to appear”.  Then she mentions the cases going on in the other 2 precincts (that I hadn't even filed anything into yet), and offered to dismiss them as well! WOW, I was in shock!  I didn't have to do anything! My paperwork and attitude spoke for me! It's true everything is an offer and I can get it settled if I approach it correctly — as taught by TJ and Youarelaw.org.

***So TJ, that's it in a nutshell. I couldn't be more thankful for Youarelaw.org and all I've learned so far, and this is just the beginning!  My goal is to keep on learning so I can be a blessing to my community.

From the bottom of my heart I thank you for this wonderful resource that is Youarelaw.org 

Be blessed,


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