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Frank Acuna
Frank Acuna
5 years ago

Mark W., What successful results are you referring to?

Lots of folks here are struggling with issues and not one of the “successful” folks bother to go into detail nor post even the area they were finding success in and what they did to obtain it.

So if you would be so kind to please tell us more details on what you accomplished?
Thanks and just asking questions so everyone can benefit.

Frank Acuna
Frank Acuna
5 years ago

Mark W., What successful results are you referring to?
When trying to post a comment it says duplicate.

This is a completely different post

Mark Wilhelm
Mark Wilhelm
4 years ago

Hi, i recently stopped action against a family member who had a caveat on a property that was part of an alleged bankruptcy. The bankruptcy was based on fraud from a debt collector, which was used by their legal team to gain a summary judgement and then onto bankruptcy. The summary judgement was gained as a result of defective service of the complaint, whcih meant the alleged defendant did not and could not have replied or corrected the errors in relation to the matter.

The family member had recieved a couple of letters requesting information about the caveat, our belief they need this information to raise an argument in court that the caveat did not meet all the rquirements (we believe it does) but in their world that does not even matter… Then once an arrgument is raised the family member would be required to show to show the evidence in support of the caveat with the intention of the debt collector and trustee to have the caveat removed and the alleged property sold…

In both replies to their letters/offers to contract we did not argue any of the information they were requesting, but instead rebutted their presumption that we were you. In the second letter which was sent by the trustee lawyers we also asked for evidence to prove that the entity who undersigned their letter (name of the law firm) was registered and licensed to be a lawyer in the state, that the lawyer had the required public indemnity insurance. We also asked that they provide evidence that they had taken the oath of allegiance (for the queen of the United Kingdom and not for the Queen of Australia) as per the Imperial Applications Act 1922 (VIC), a requirement which was supported by a decision made in a supreme court case in Victoria in 2018. Then to finish of the reply we advised that we were keeping all their original documents and envelopes they had sent to us as forensic evidence…

A month has passed with no reply and no action, against my family member or the alleged holder of the property title they are trying to steal. I will keep you updated, hope this helps.