FBI Agent Comes Out – VIDEO Reveals Mass Fraud and Bank Control System

Banking Cartel Corporations are truly in control of the Federal Reserve, and have been running this world under an evil deception system since 1913 (and before)… but that may change soon… are you ready?

We are not moving toward end times, we have formally been in it since 1913 (we all have number on our head and by our hand (signature) to do commerce.

See what this ex-FBI agent found in his investigation. You will be shocked. It explains riots, 911, ongoing set up wars in the 20th and 21st century, how all bank debt is fraud, how the statutory courts are just FOR PROFIT municipal coporations for profit (and after you as their blood energy), how they are embezzling you though treasury accounts and derivatives, how they are making profits from prison bonds (Slavery); which explains why millions are in jail for no real crime at all (under self confessed fictional statutes with no damaged party).

The American public would declare a revolution if they knew this.  So share and take action… for our future.

Most importantly learn how they use your Birth Certificate as collateral to manufacture "debt as money", to then control YOU.  Then you volunteer for it and do nothing. Remember, evil relies on deception.


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Exit The Matrix while you can.


One great comment I saw on this video:

LISTEN UP: It's ALL ABOUT the STRAWMAN ACCOUNTS – aka The TRADE NAME GAME and how they make a CLAIM to 'your' name and make it their NAME and enslave you into believing the ID-ENTITY is your 'entity' and how they enslaved us all with word magick (LEGALESE) and the delusional illusion that 'freedom' isn't 'free' (because we aren't 'free' we are worth billions (to the owners) and they 'claim' to 'own us' – as CORPORATIONS through the CORPORATE FICTION known as THE STRAWMAN. There are other LEGALISTIC TITLES, like transmitting utilities for trust accounts, but that would take years to understand. Just think, 'The Wizard of Oz' (illusion of power, hiding behind curtains, utilizing a smokescreen to avoid detection, and the need for a brain – hence the trip down the yellow brick (gold bricks paving the way) road, which You own and they stole from you in the first place. It's really more like the Rabbit hole, than the road to Oz. WE the People, are the REAL 'money' because our Life Force energy (our Soul) is what's REALLY valuable – that, and our common heritage and Divine inheritance – as the 'Soveran' (original spelling) executors and beneficiaries of our own Divine Creation – this 3rd dimensional, holographic, subjective and collective projection, at this particular non-location within the Infinite field, that we call Mother Earth. It's all pretty mind-bending, when we begin to contemplate the prison of the 'mind box' and how to break free.

Much Love, my fellow Earthly Kings and Queens – enjoy watching one of their own 'waking up.'

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