Grandma Kidnapping Tonight – Mothers Come to the Rescue then an Army Arrived to Stop Them


Grandma Kidnapping Tonight at a SW Washington Hospital.

A group of mother and kids come to the rescue. They called the Sheriff for help, and then an army of cops show up in combat gear and turns on them. See what happens next…

Video 1

Video 2


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Peter Blau
Peter Blau
3 years ago

The grandmother has a claim for false (unlawful) arrest and false imprisonment against whoever forbid her to leave the hospital (hospital personnel and/or sheriffs/policy enforcers) Anyone whose liberty is violated or interfered with, without lawful authority can have such a claim. This is a great way to keep these people accountable. Here is a link for some great info on litigating against the men and women acting as policy enforcers that are falsely arresting and imprisoning people. It probably is not what you think. But way better.

There is a study that is currently going through this Treatise. Here is the info if anyone would like to participate. It’s on Wednesdays 8pm ET

Dial-in number (US): (701) 802-5130
Access code: 266323#
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Online meeting ID: pgb137
Join the online meeting:

Loiel Simpson
Loiel Simpson
3 years ago

great ending to a sick ass situation, I’m glad no one got hurt, except for the image of those police, the cowards were the boss and legislators of the police group, the ones who didn’t show up to the scene, the head sheriff especially, the DA, mayor, etc. the stupid little boys in blue, are just that they do what they are told, now had the crowd been of a different color, well need I say more! And how about defund the Government they keep way too many secrets, why should the American people pay for Government secrecy, after all a Government that keeps secrets, is a secret Government!, we need transparency !

thomas robert
thomas robert
3 years ago

Those People standing up for someone else’s rights are heros to me. We need to decentralize the the protests like these People did. I have joined in by signing up for the so that we can have a group like that in my town. Since I participate in civil disobedience quite often it would be a pleasure to have my neighbors support me and this is a good way to get that done. thank you

thomas robert
thomas robert
3 years ago

I forgot to say what I always tell people. “the best way I can protect my rights is to help you protect yours”

Sean Garrisson
Sean Garrisson
3 years ago

I signed up.