How the Covid Crisis Is Affecting and The Legal System In a BIG Way

How the Covid Crisis Is Affecting and The Legal System in a BIG Way

From this article from the Atlantic –  HERE

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The Constitution Is On Pause in America’s Courtrooms

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William Tucker
William Tucker
3 years ago

I have a question. Here about four years ago I was on my way home from work and I am state highway patrol man came up on me at a high rate of speed with his brights on . I thought he was gonna hit me in the Process of looking in my mirror I swerved a little bit and my driver side tires touch the center yellow line at this point he lights me up pulls me over in a very unsafe spot on the 2 Lane Rd. with a 45 mile an hour speed limit. He comes to my window asking for your license registration and proof insurance and he asked me why I swerved over the yellow line and I asked him why he came up on me like a jack off. He said they got a phone call saying that I was driving in a erratic manner. It was an anonymous phone call by the way. Before I could even give him my license registration and proof of insurance to Moore cruisers pull up with two officers and officers in each cruiser and at this point I’ve got six armed individuals around like surround my car with their hands on their guns like I’m some sort of freaking murderer. At this point I’m going to comply with whatever they say I don’t wanna get shot.Other than being a little tired I thought I was good I have nothing to worry about I told them they could not search my car do not consent to a search so what they did was a charge me with a Ovi and search my car anyway. They gave me a field sobriety test witch I thought I did pretty good Despite the fact that I have a bad knee I’m flat-footed bowlegged and I was tired. I guess I wobbled a little bit when I had to do the part where I stood on 1 foot with the other foot 6 inches off the ground. That and the Anonymous phone call was the only reason why they felt I was under the influence of something.They read me my rights place me in handcuffs take me down to the post where they administer a urine analysis against my will.. Watch the officer took for me with no lid no seal nothing to keep him from tampering with it out of my sight and this last I saw i. Then he’s said they searched my car and found methadone in a purse in the backseat and charged with a felony possession at this point but they released me later on that night I’d be at work at 2 AM so much my stepdad came and got me Then a few days later I get a phone call saying that the drug test came back positive for meth. .At this point the charges for the felony possession go from possession of methadone to possession of crystal meth and that’s what the inside of me for possession of crystal meth which there’s never anything written on the ticket about Crystal meth been found in my car only documentation I have of anything being found my car was methadone and there’s not a set of any kind of methadone when I went to court. Oh The store gets a lot better if you want to hear about it message me if your lawyer and you’re a good person maybe you can fill me in on a few questions I have I guess because my lawyer I think he’s sold me down the river and I thought he was a friend of mine I’m not a lawyer but don’t they have to convict you of what you were charged with the night of the arrest I know if you were a lawyer in your hearing the store you probably think that it’s embellish door just not true at all but I’ve got documentation to prove every word I said I realize at this point there’s little I can do like I said I said they they said my drug test came back + for crystalmeth I passed every drug test they give me since then I’ve been on probation for I fought the case for almost 3 years did not see the inside of a jail cell did not go to jail one time just to the post The night of the arrest.. i tought that any Attorney would be able to this case thrown completely out. Now with this COVID BS .and I’m on probation. Every thing at probation department is all screwed up. I’m not going in to see the po in person he tells me to call in once a month. He’ll let me know when I can start coming back in to see him and testing.. we’ll I’m a busy man I work crazy hrs and time goes by so fast I’ll 2 and 3 months with out calling humans when I realize it’s been that long and call he acts like it’s no big deal.. this is the same corrupt probation department that are off the wall with some dumb stuff they do their procedures and they’re totally illegal way of doing things kind of makes me nervous when they’re like yeah we just don’t care call me whenever you can like wait a minute I see that’s gone bad for me here after all this shits over with. I am ADHD I’ll keep talking and over explaining and putting things in as they pop into my head.. but if anyone is interested in my story well my broken up story that is prolly sounding like Babel at this point.. and if you think I have options as far as getting whole thing erased or at least get me out of this probation contract . Well hope everyone is as happy as that can be every day of the rest of their last fe and gets every thing they deserve out of life.

James Fors
James Fors
3 years ago

Will someone answer this, maybe TJ ??