How to Get Back Your Constitutional Rights In Court

Many member complain they don't know how to get simple Constitution Due Process to work for them in court, Here is a tip from the master Dr. Fred Graves

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But, it's critically important for you to print it, study it, understand it, and tell everyone you know that your power to enforce your rights is IN THE COURTS… not the polling booth!

Those who refuse to learn this truth and uphold our American principles of Law & Order are no “patriots”.

Nor are they people you can trust to tell you how to get justice.  Most of you have taken a sacred oath before God to uphold the Constitution of the United States, yet most have no idea how to enforce the rights our Constitution guarantees!

Our courts are the only way you can get your “redress of grievances” government promises.

Use the courts to get justice for yourself. Our “How to Win in Court” course shows how.


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