Judge Dismissed Before I Could Argue!

I received a speeding ticket in January.

After reviewing TJ’s Premium Member materials ( upgrade at www.Youarelaw.org/join ) on beating a traffic ticket using discovery techniques, when I showed up to court, ready at argue, the judge quickly dismissed the whole case.

All I had done was customize the discovery request from Youarelaw.org (traffic folder), and sent it to the prosecution. There was no need to debate with the judge or argue the case. He simply looked at the documents (which was a unanswered discovery request), noticed my discover demand was no delivered, then the judge was kind enough to state my case for me, and dismiss the whole matter.

An administrative default is a huge key to success folks.  It was great to find out that even in “administrative” court, civil rules of procedure still matter.

The ticket # 1A0077012 WSP IT – Lawrence C. Vancouver, Washington

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Calvin Gilchrist
Calvin Gilchrist
3 years ago

Can I please get the customize the discovery request from youarelaw (traffic holder

Matthew Tucciarone
Matthew Tucciarone
3 years ago

As a member, do you have anything on how to sue a police department or an individual officer?