Law is About Trusts and Not Corporations or “Rights”

In our recent discussions we've repeated this message about trusts and their application in court cases several times.

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Everything in government and most of life operates under Trusts. The United States was formed under a trust and the constitution is a merely a trust indenture for the people (beneficiaries). The people are the beneficiaries and the appointed officers are trustees.

When we discuss how to “express the trust” and “accept for value” we can then accept for value presented to our position as beneficiaries, and return to them (the trustees) to close out the trustees books on the matter.

We need to see things through this lens in order to be more effective in life and law. 

Watch this

Even the rules or procedure allow for us to administer court cases (which are also a trust when formed). This is also why we want people to study the How to Win in Court material (for learning basic procedures ). They wont talk expressly about trust, but you have to see what is going on in form and structure. When they get us off base and just defending rights instead of directing them as trustees they gain all the power because of our ignorance.  

I confess I have occasionally been sloppy in my language and referred to the government as corporations, but more accurately stated government entities and their courts and their created court documents are “private trusts” – that is all, and you are the rightful beneficiaries. The beneficiaries are supposed to direct the trustees to do their Duty and settle matters (“charges” and bills), rather than take time and labor from the beneficiaries. Violation of trust is among the highest crimes. But if we fail to direct with the proper mindset and language we get taken advantage of. 

Therefore, when we answer to the TRUST NAME, we assume liability as trustee (and trustee must pay). Stop doing that. Let them know you are beneficiary and stay in the position, and let them know they are trustees with fiduciary duty to settle and close the matter. However you proceed, keep that clear at all times.

Watch this gentleman discuss this concept from that point of view, I think it's valid information.

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More thoughts –

The trustees make up the trust body and the trust body is a chargeable person for income tax purposes (all legal matters are actually tax/trust matters). For tax purposes, the relationship between the trust and the trustees is that of principal and representatives – ie keeping records, submission of tax returns and payment of tax or debt due to the Government. In other words – your trust-entity is the tax-payer [not you] like it or not, so why not return the settlement of amounts claimed due back to the trustees for doing their job?

Trust law – Wikipedia (CLICK FOR DETAILS)  – A trustee can be a natural person, a business entity or a public body (ie: court-government). A trust in the United States may be subject to federal and state taxation.

A public authority or public corporation is a quasi-governmental agency created by the legislature, and given corporate status to achieve a special purpose (such as building toll roads or operating a local hospital) with powers and exemptions not enjoyed by regular government agencies.

Author(s) Thomas Jefferson, Committee of Five – Author is one having the Authority.

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ron Alan
ron Alan
3 years ago

The Trust “Government” operates via Trusts and securities. The various records and/or certificates they created are trusts or items/securities held in trust. Until the correct party steps forward and indorses a certain security along with expression of trust and of course the correct foundational registration number one would be hard pressed to control the entire matter other than to play in the sandbox of the various remedies therein and hope for the best. Everything is a government obligations its just a matter of how one deals with the obligations and can prove it. They haven’t hidden anything except people have been led it’s debtor/creditor rather than trust and what is the trust.

Douglas-Richard Moomey
Douglas-Richard Moomey
3 years ago

So what about the Clearfield cases and Franconia case? UNITED STATES IS a corporation. It does business, uses Fed notes, Cmon Man! BS.. They are ALL corporations

Steven Robertson
Steven Robertson
3 years ago

Although I have somewhat of a general knowledge of the satanic debt/usury/credit monetary system I am searching for a competent and trustworthy soul, man or woman, in the Sherman/Denison area (near to Oklahoma), who will come alongside me as my tutor for the purpose of applying the mostly Christian principles espoused by freedom loving/seeking folk.
I especially seek assistance filing a personal injury/tort action, coupled with a Civil Rights violation, against both the Texas state and federal governmental agents where I was DELIBERATELY falsely arrested and restrained of my freedom. Bills of Attainder, Ex Post Facto laws disguised in the FORM of codes/statutes violations were used to imprison me. I have a rock solid case(s) against the parties from whom I seek millions in damages, and I will donate half of any monetary award I will win to youarelaw