Multiple Cases Settled with Conditional Acceptance

Comments below were based on watching this video

From Mason, DC

I told my story to you as a way of showing my immense gratitude to you. Your free to watch the video changed my entire perspective. Thank you for your blessing.

I had been in a long drug out altercation with child support. After watching your acceptance video multiple times, I was able to strike the deal I wanted.

They had suspended my driver's license, hunting licenses, vehicle registration, and chiropractic license. I had 3 pending driving under suspension hearings.

On Valentine’s Day I had an order to show cause hearing filed and executed by child support. My arrears are over $46k. I had submitted a letter similar to the man in one of your videos to my judge. And stopped the non-sense of fighting on all fronts. So, I went into the hearing with the attitude to make a deal. When the Special Assistant to the Attorney General asked my name, I exclaimed “I am here by special appearance” and continued to say my name and spell it. He paused so long the judge had to tell him that he can continue.

After the judge went through asking his questions, it was my turn. I simply read an offer and left it at that. The judge told me that the hearing we were in would not suffice to modify child support and I would need to file the appropriate modification paperwork. But THEN she went on to tell the attorney for child support that the down payment I made in my offer was on the condition it would go towards getting my license back. The next day ALL my licenses were returned. All of them.

Two days later from my order to show cause hearing, I made three deals with the city prosecutor to drop my driving under suspension, to driving without proof of a valid driver's license. It went from first offense of $350, with three of those on the docket, to $20 each.

Thank you for helping me understand the system better.

To learn how to act like a successful businessman, rather than a spoiled child. I saved myself a lot of time, money, and energy.


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Daniel Vidmar
Daniel Vidmar
1 year ago

So I go to court I filed a refuse to contract with in 72 hrs . Nothing for 11 months than notice to appear. I did Special appearance and addressed the refuse to contract,. Ignored. I address the Da on the name can they or anyone in court prove the all cap name was me the living natural born man .no one could things went haywire .the judge call for a break I objected and stated that all my rights reserved with out prejudice and my objection to changing the jurisdiction
Judge proceeded. When court resumed no one was allowed in court but me.the first thing was to validate I was able to be my own counsel . Without doubt I was granted . The whole time going back and forth to get a plea.dod not happen..this went in for a long time so I said at this point a conditional acceptance to facts not charges and judge did something .and I was told to call a number I said we are to settle this now.judge ran off da hands on cases looking forward knew nothing frozen the whole time .sheriff mouth wide open .on my return 30 days latter runny nose sheriff’s said wait out side went to clerk told me go to the court deputies this time let me in and I waited outside court talk to a pd with note for judge that I was here and was told to stay outside .pd comes out said all the paper work is correct and dept but it was in the other court and now a warrant was issued
So back to clerk and back to judge new judge recalled warrant and proceeded to plea .I stopped her and said t
I have questions and do not consent to plea and ask judge if she proceeds than she practicing law from bench and I give option she can be my attorney we can contract she said no I can plea for you I objected and the cleck said it’s noted .now I will hammer them for fraud And criminal procedure of due process if I am missing something please interact

Michael Moton
Michael Moton
1 year ago
