Powerful Lesson on Freeing Yourself

An excellent presentation of how our system is set up and what to do (3rd party information for good background)

David-Lester; Straight

What is L A W?




Simple tips for updating your status. It's all about your contract and tacit agreements.

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Jaime Mondestin
Jaime Mondestin
5 years ago

No freaking way. How long this been up on YT?

Valeria Monnier
Valeria Monnier
5 years ago

I recommend downloading it before YouTube blocks or removes it.

Use Mozilla FireFox, add DownloadHelper extension on your browser and download it to your computer. I do it every time I find an extraordinary video like this.

5 years ago

Also, there’s a lot of background noise (door closing, people whispering). I am trying to remove the extra noise with a software.

Ashlee Elkins
Ashlee Elkins
5 years ago

I saw this guy at my Post Office the other day,!!!! I looked at his private carriage licence plate and the tag saying “Not For Hire” and I knew he was someone with the right idea, I almost stopped him but I was running late for school. I was picking up my Live life claim and some other documents that I had sent to myself…..DANG!!! Talk about missed opportunities….

Louie Serrano
Louie Serrano
5 years ago

Thanks TJ! Looking forward to watching it all. About halfway through and my mind is blown yet awakened.

5 years ago

This was a great video. So much information jammed into 2 hours. Now I am looking for that land patent and allodial title book.

Thank you T.J.

christi haase
christi haase
5 years ago

We are actually having David Straight out here to teach a 3 day seminar on all of this in Chicago (beginner class) Friday September 20th from 5pm-9pm, (intermediate class) Saturday 10-5pm, and (advanced class) Sunday from 10-3pm. He will be touching on everything from Land patents, trusts and how to create one tax free, traffic, traveling, and actually owning your property/assets, courts, parental rights, being free and claiming your minor account and much more. It’s a lot of great content. There is a lot to learn. He helped me with my court case and we are interested in learning more. If you would like to attend email chaase312@gmail.com.