Red Pill Expo – Are You In?

I (a man called TJ Marrs) attended RED PILL EXPO recently and ran into some interesting folks. I hope you all take the time to check out next years

I plan on speaking at the next one as well.

Here I am with the author of “The Creature from Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin – it was great catching up after almost 20 years of knowing each other, since we first met to talks about educating the masses about the truth behind our hidden financial, legal, and education systems.

Here I am with Robert Kyosaki, the best selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. Hey folks – he is one of us. We had some great discussions about what do to as far as assets, gold, silver and more.

Robert, and Ed did some interesting interview with Josh Sigurdson at WorldAlternative Media– Check them out as well.

There were over 15 other great speakers were there. Please support 

See you all there next time.


Are you a Premium Member yet? Much more coming. 



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