Stop Riots and Fix The REAL Issues – IGNORANCE of your own rights

Join our Member Discussion VIDEO (from our Premium Member Webinar), on how to stop the riots and move society forward.

HINT: The race-baiters say these riots are about “racism”. That is a deception and a scam to hide the truth. It's about knowing the law and how you can stand with the rule of law.

Don't fall for the deceivers' tricks.

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HISTORICAL REFERENCES TO CONSIDER – From Bible Gateway – 4123 Satan, as deceiver

Satan’s character is deceitful, devious and cunning as in a variety of guises he seeks to influence people for his own ends.

Satan’s deceitful character

He is evil Mt 6:13 See also Mt 5:37; Mt 13:19; Jn 17:15; 2Th 3:3; 1Jn 2:13-14; 1Jn 3:8,12; 1Jn 5:18

He is a liar Jn 8:44 See also Ge 3:4-5; Job 1:11; Job 2:5; Rev 3:9

He is devious 2Co 11:14 See also 2Co 11:3; Eph 6:11; 2Th 2:9; 1Ti 3:7; 2Ti 2:26

He is scheming Eph 6:11 See also 2Co 2:10-11

He is a slanderer Job 1:9-11 See also 1Ti 5:14-15; Rev 2:9

Satan’s deceitful work

He deceives individuals 1Ti 2:14 Eve was deceived by Satan the serpent. See also Da 8:25; 2Ti 3:13; Rev 12:9; Rev 20:3,10

He works counterfeit miracles 2Th 2:9-10 See also Ex 7:11-12,22; Dt 13:1-2; Mt 24:24 pp Mk 13:22; Rev 13:13-14; Rev 19:20

He appoints false prophets Mt 7:15 See also Dt 13:5; Jer 23:26; Jer 28:15; Jer 29:21; Eze 13:6-10; 2Pe 2:1-3,18-19

He misuses Scripture Mt 4:6 pp Lk 4:10

He blinds unbelievers 2Co 4:4

Not knowing or believing this is what is the real problem.


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Jack Herronen
Jack Herronen
4 years ago

Thanx TJ!