Ticket Gone with Syntax Methods

Here is a testimonial regarding the use of syntax (Word Power – part of our Premium Membership training):

My brother had a speeding ticket in Virginia (he was going from NJ to VA for a funeral). A cop gives him a $174 ticket due to the fact he had out of state plates (sort of a jerk thing to do). He came home the next day and I picked up the ticket and did the syntax process on the doc. They ignored the first letter sent. Sent a second. They ignored this as well. Then they sent him a notice that on May 17 his NJ license would be suspended. I did the syntax process on this doc as well.

He was then pulled over last Friday. The Cop asked him if there was anything issues with his license, before checking it out back in his police car. My brother said “no, not that I am aware of.” When the cop came back, he told my brother there were no issues, and let him go with a warning.  End of story!

Thank you TJ for this powerful process!

Mark-New Jersey Republic

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