End the shut down – Write to your governor and serv-ants TODAY

Time to end the shut down ourselves – What to write to your governor TODAY!

This is ROUGH draft, but you get the ideas, be creative as well – who is willing to pledge to send such a letter within 24 hours?. This is a public notice that if any so called government corporation official tries to stop me from exercising my God given rights to travel, speak, associate where I want to, do commerce, attend church, or wear what I want my face…

We have this an other similar tools in our PREMIUM MEMBER – for member detail check HERE

Edit to suit YOUR own words, edit carefully.


Govenernor whooptydoo


CERTIFIED MAIL# _______________________________

FROM: Your name




Dear Governor whooptydoo,

SUBJECT – LAWFUL NOTICE of trespass against my rights.

During this overstated so-called “pandemic crisis”, which now appears to have a death rate per thousand indicating it is no more risky than a higher than average flu season. I advise you to immediately lift all restrictions that violate our constitutional protections and God given rights.

I conditionally accept upon proof of claim that you do not have any authority to play God here sir/mam while playing social experiments on the people you serve.If no claim if proven, and you do not lift all of these “emergency” restrictions immediately upon receipt, you shall be held personally and professionally liable. Without proof of claim, you have exceeded the authority under your oath.

I have noticed the right of my fellow citizens being trampled on by you personally while using your office and agents to interfere against our God given rights. I see no provision in the constitution which allows you to use such power and MAKE LAWS that supersede those protection in the constitution.

This is my lawful notice that if any so called government corporation official tries to stop me or my friends from exercising our God given rights to travel, speak, associate where I want to, do commerce, attend church, or wear what I want my face, or any other restriction of my rights, you are hereby lawfully noticed of the following:

  1. You must provide proof of claim of your authority under God's laws, or you shall be held accountable for damages.
  2. You must provide proof of claim of your authority under the constitution and cite the specific clause, or you shall be held accountable for damages.
  3. You are notified that any harm or interference will be considered trespass against my rights, and I will declare a damage of $1 million per incident. This applies to agents and their superiors all the way up to the Governor personally in their individual capacity.


Please be noticed, Violating your oath to the people who granted your office will not be tolerated.

You could also mention possible statutory issues which may involve 18 USC 1001 and 1002, Title 42 section 1983, etc.

Notice to principal is notice to agent


Cc by mail to (to consider sending to):

County Sheriff

State police

Local Police

Your Mayor

Your congressman

Your US Senator

Sign, with return address etc.


COMMENT – write this up and mail to your governor today. Then once confirmed, mail a copy to the list of CC’s above or as you see fit. Carry a copy around of the proof of delivery via certified mail if anyone tells you to put on make or restricts your freedoms further.

Of course be careful around any highly vulnerable people who are the ONLY ones who should avoid public contact as with any flu or cold.   BUT NOT everyone else. We need to get Herd Immunity and get this through the system faster, not slower. 

Write a letter to this effect up and mail it to your governor certificated mail TODAY, or stop complaining out there. Take action. Also find local group events to tell your government where you stand on these issues. 


AFTER they receive this you may have rights to sue – do your homework first however and study up on this special course first – https://www.youarelaw.org/jd

Membership information is at https://www.youarelaw.org/join


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