Victory! Case never went on docket!

Victory! Case never went on docket.

Apparently, based on other things we also did prior, the District Attorney (DA) Sent letter on 9/5.  I had court scheduled on 9/9/19, for first appearance on OWI charges. I mailed the Silver Bond I tailored from information on the site, via registered mail to court Clerk and Judge personally/  privately in red ink using a manila envelope on Saturday 9/7 .

When I arrived for court, I find my case is on the docket…nothing. The Deputy in the court sent me down to DA ‘s office to verify what is going on. The secretary for DA takes my ticket to look at, which is a summons indicating the charges. The Secretary comes back with a letter what was printed out from DA/ prosecutor.  The letter was dated Sept. 5th, as mailed to my home address. The letter indicated the DA is not going to pursue at this time, referring it back to arresting village township for them to pursue if they want.

I will email letter to you. I never spoke to anyone. Ever. It is as if never existed. Very good work TJ and Yolanda at! I'm so glad I found


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