Why Membership is Worth MANY Times to Investment

I am what I call a Plead Felon. I would like to take this opportunity to convey to all your members just how important knowing this information of how the court system works and knowing your rights is. If I had been a member in 2005 and had known my rights instead of depending on my lawyer (a well-paid lawyer) to do what was right, and in my best interest, my case would have been over and done with in the preliminary. However instead, I wound up with 3 felonies as this so-called lawyer intimidated me into accepting a plea. That cost me dearly.

So to all you fine Americans out there that think TJ’s yearly membership is “expensive”, speaking from my experience, it is actually dirt CHEAP in comparison to not having the absolute mounds of information he has compiled for us. This is so we at least have a chance to know the rules and procedures of their game, and how to stand up for yourself, by knowing your rights. I just want to say a big thank you to TJ and staff for putting this out there, I am learning or realizing so so much.
C.S. Slack

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