Is wearing a mask more risky then not? Get your Face Mask Exempt Card


The Youtube video we shared on this topic was taken down (3rd party video – not ours).

It appears this topic was too much for Youtube and their censors – ask yourself why are they suppressing free speech? Regardless, the remaining information is below.

We have created a template (small business card size) you can hand out when you are forced to wear a mask due to potential health risks. This process has worked many times for me, without fail. We just added the document to the Premium Member Downloads (in the General Download folder there).

Naturally if you feel the need to wear a mask it is YOUR choice based on your health concerns. We are NOT saying you should or should not wear one.

Did you know wearing a face mask poses a mental or physical risks to you?

Do the research. Inhaling carbon dioxide, lowering your oxygen level breathing, and not exhaling your toxins, but instead inhaling toxins and germs is a potential hazard to your health. It's really common sense.

What if you had a small business card you could show people when they demand a mask — OR when asked simply-politely say –No thank you, I have a Health Exemption” (saying the works without fail for me). You DO have an exemption for the simple reasons listed above. You have a right not to expose yourself to greater hazards than Covid 19, or any cold or flu bug poses when you literally store germs close to your face. You may have to say this twice in case a manager comes at you with a request as well.

I did this personally this evening in a restaurant. After I politely informed the manager, then she immediately turned around and asked “where I would like to be seated“.

It was that simple.

You can also say this if needed – Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), I am not required to disclose my condition or other reasons to you. If you have questions call the Department of Justice ADA violation reporting number: (800) 514-0301. If found in violation of the ADA, penalties to you or your organization are fines up to $75,000 for first violation, and $150,000 subsequent violations.   

Don't be Marxist “useful idiot” and allow them to brainwash you into believing this government is out to help you in this. The reality is most of them only care about more control and “compliance”, but they need your consent for everything. They get your consent by using fear. Globalists want population reduction, death, anarchy, and control. They will say anything and will get you to do anything illogical to give up freedoms and health gradually, as is happening these days.

If you are not yet a Premium Member – get details and our 7 Day Free Trial HERE – then get your No Mask Needed business card template in the DOWNLOAD folder on the Premium Member page (in the General folder).

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Kyng Maat
Kyng Maat
4 years ago

Where do the premium members download the exemption card for the face mask

Johnny Douglas
Johnny Douglas
4 years ago

I’m prepared to become a premium member and more but can you give me non-legal advice? I went to my pain doctor and I was told to wear a mask. I initially put it on but after 5 minutes I took it of because of discomfort. I was told I wouldn’t be seen without wearing a mask. After expressing how I felt they doubled down on their position. I was told to leave the premises, “for what,” I said, for not wearing your mask the nurse replied. I asked, “what about my prescription?” A few minutes later the nurse brought my script and a generic “NOTICE OF DISMISSAL” letter stating……Dear Johnny Douglas: After much consideration, I find it necessary to dismiss you from our medical facility. Ellis pain center will no longer provide medical treatment beginning on the date of this letter. The decision is based on your refusal to follow recommendations regarding appropriate medical care,Thus making it extremely difficult for our staff to provide an effective plan of care. We have no further treatment options available to you moving forward.

My staff and I will be available for emergency care for up to (2) two weeks after you receive this letter.

In addition, I recommend you begin the process of finding another physician to continue your care without delay. We will be more than helpful to assist you in transferring your records to the appropriate office; once the necessary release has been completed.

Sincerely, Dr. Mark A. Ellis

I contacted the Dept. of Justice and explained my situation and I was told there’s nothing they can do.

If it were you, what would be your next course of action? Thanks TJ